Articles in the The Lootings Category
The Lootings »

August is a pretty dry month for me. Nothing will be coming in this month. My figurine was delayed to October (FEITO T_T) and yeah that sums up my August month pretty much. I have a couple of CDs coming in at the end of this month, but I’m sure by the time I get the CDs, it’s already September. Haha.
Having said so, I decided to grab this from Hobby Search last week. The parcel arrived 1 day earlier than I had expected >_>.
So… It’s a NENDOROID! Len looks very …
The Lootings »
The Lootings »

These arrived today! But not revealing them for now ^^. Will be involved in my upcoming “project”.
Anyone want to guess what is inside? ^^ No prizes though. Lol.
As requested by Mr Optic, here’s a shot of my room. I’m currently in the midst of packing my room. Getting rid of my figurines :(. No I’m just joking. Lol. Just clearing my table as I start school next week =3.
The Lootings »

The total cost can’t be as awesome as Feito T.Harlaown(actually I think the cost of these 3 figurines are on par with Feito..) – but it’s awesome that all 3 came in for collection at the same time. LOL. And what? One of them isn’t release in Japan… YET. LOL. I seem to be real lucky in getting my stuff earlier than the original release dates =P. Remember my Honey Jet!!?
Read on to look into the awesome red bag. LOL.
The Lootings »

HAHAHAHA the fangirl in me is feeling so high and happy. Somehow the parcel containing Hocchan’s 7th album got shipped out to me even EARLIER. I already have it before Japan’s official release date. I was expecting it to get on 15th July 2009, but somehow it was just delivered -_-. Parcels take around 2 days later to arrive in Singapore from Japan. So I guess it got shipped out from Friday? XD
I feel so high now XDXD
From left to right, top to bottom: Honey Jet!! album, ULTIMATE DIAMOND album …
The Lootings »

Woke up bright and early just to receive this – well not really, I had to settle my school stuff so it was a 2-in-1 thing XD.This is my first Hocchan loot of this week. I should be getting my 2nd Hocchan loot by Wednesday or Thursday. Postman-san, please do not fail me! ><
Thankfully this time round, the Fedex man did not get lost, compared to the last time I ordered..
Ordered only last Friday, I got a shock when they shipped it out the next day! Estimated delivery would be …
The Lootings »
The Lootings »

So whats the green thingy you see?
My loot from CDJapan just arrived today. It was clearly an impulse purchase – I was intending to withhold from spending until August. But my plan failed when CDJapan announced their Summer Sale O_O. Orders made from June 23 2009 until July 31 2009 amounting over 5,000 yen(excluding shipping) will be entitled to a freebie (posters/files/etc)
There are a couple of cds that were going at great prices, I can’t remember since I scanned through them quickly before I clicked “add to cart”, “checkout” and …
The Lootings »

Just took this… Bluray movie loot this time! Could say this is my 3rd4th related bluray purchase(including Nana’s Live Fighter)
If you’re wondering why I bought another Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete (USA release).. The reason is simple, I sold my Japan release off. Lol. I had coupons to spam so my FFVII ACC Bluray(Japan release) cost me less than what I sold to a buyer(2nd hand! LOL)
Haven’t opened it yet, maybe I’ll watch it tomorrow. I’m having some ghostbusting action later on :D