Articles in the The Lootings Category
Game, The Lootings »

Was out today, and was intending to get Ghostbusters: The Video Game if I did came across the game(since there was like a chance that the game would be sold out).
The game was just released on 16 June 2009, so yes, you can say that the games get sold out VERY FAST here. Gamers are scary? Lol. But heck, I bought the game just now ^_^
The reason why I even considered to buy this game – multiplayer campaign in the game, so it’s worth checking out. Also I am getting …
The Lootings »

These came in today, was hoping that I would be lucky to actually receive yesterday but guess there was a delay. Lol. It was shipped on Monday afterall. Haha.
Fresh from CDJapan! Used up my coupons and lol I just received another coupon (again! LOL coupons ftw)
If you have been stalking me and my fangirlism, you should know who that is.. If you don’t, happy guessing :P
Bought a single and a live concert. Woohoo! I just finished watching the live concert today, twice! LOL.
If you still don’t know who she is, …
Game, The Lootings »

And so, I thought I finally stopped playing PS3 like mad – since I didn’t have much games left. I completed Resident Evil 5 and Little Big Planet (Completed the trophies too). So you could say I have no more “goals” to achieve in the two games. Lol.
Yesterday I bought a new game. Don’t know what came over me. It’s inFamous :D
I have yet to open the game to play.. Because my friend passed me 2 of his games to play. Now I have games to play, and too little …
The Lootings »

Another delivery today.. More spending. Orz. This time I did my first order at HMV Online.
HMV offers cheap shipping rate, 900 yen for 1-2 cds ordered. Because CDJapan didn’t have the single I wanted, my only options were either Amazon Japan or HMV Online.
Well you know the answer anyway, I went ahead with buying from HMV.
Behold my loot below =D.
Aice5 Love Power single. Love Power is the song used for Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru OP. ^^ And K-ON Limited Edition OP single.. which isn’t mine at all. LOL.
This can …
The Lootings »

The lack of posts these few days is partly due to me busy settling my personal stuff, while trying to maintain my anime-watching speed and also blog etc.
In fact yesterday I was feeling a bit emo because I had a parcel delivered but I was outside! And CDJapan only emailed me yesterday that they “shipped” out my parcel, but actually they shipped my parcel out last friday. Lol. They’re too efficient XD.
Well I went to the Post Office Headquarters to collect my parcel since I refuse to wait for another …
The Lootings »

A trip down to KKnM today which resulted in mass poisoning. Also this post wouldn’t have happened if not for my dear friend, Mr Optic XD. He was the one who really poisoned me to buy all these >_>.
Damage? 2 Magazines, 1 Visual Collection for Nanoha Strikers and 1 Kira Yamato Portrait.
Nyan Type is a new magazine that was just released(on the right in picture below), which everyone states that it’s Megami V2. Haven’t really seen the contents inside.. But I remember seeing the magazine scans somewhere on the net …
The Lootings »

So I decided to review Pick-up Voice this time(okay more like post pictures of this magazine). So if you’re not into seiyuus, don’t bother clicking the read more button. Lol.
I never really bothered bout seiyuu magazines or whatever, not until last year when I started going crazy over Nana Mizuki and finding out that she’s on magazine covers, that I just had to purchase the magazines! Seiyuu magazines tend to be more expensive, compared to anime magazines. T_T
She’s the reason why I even bought the magazine. Lol.
White Album anyone?
Aya Hirano …
Merchandises, The Lootings »

Having spent a bunch last week, one would try to resist any more impulse buys right?
Despite having that mindset, I decided to self-poison myself by going to KKnM last Sunday. I know that the tapestry of Fate from Nanoha the 1st Movie arrived there, but as I was busy last friday, I didn’t attempt to purchase it, thinking that it was quite expensive(for a tapestry T_T) and since I wasn’t able to rush down to purchase it in time, I might just miss the chance to buy the tapestry. And …
The Lootings »

Just yesterday and today, everything came in. So I decided to postpone this post till today, and take all my loots at one go X) Fresh from Amazon Japan and CDJapan ^_^
I ordered seiyuu magazines from Amazon, and the Fedex postman got lost -_- Talk about going to the wrong block, and attempting redelivery, again to the wrong block. Gosh. And I think you can guess why I ordered the magazines, two of them holds the answer =W=.
Oh yeah, the extreme magazine on the left was bought sometime in Early …