Articles tagged with: Yui Horie
Seiyuu »

So I finally decided to sit down and review my Hocchan Live Concert in 2006! Woohoo. Of course it had to take some pesteringencouragement from Optic for me to start XD.
Yui Horie, also known as Hocchan is a famous voice actress and singer. Her cute voice makes it worthwhile to listen to all her songs XD. Live Concerts are a great way to start if you get interested in any singer. Why? Because Live Concerts are different compared to recorded songs. Woots! (Optic are you reading this?!?! LOL)
So with that, …
The Lootings »

So whats the green thingy you see?
My loot from CDJapan just arrived today. It was clearly an impulse purchase – I was intending to withhold from spending until August. But my plan failed when CDJapan announced their Summer Sale O_O. Orders made from June 23 2009 until July 31 2009 amounting over 5,000 yen(excluding shipping) will be entitled to a freebie (posters/files/etc)
There are a couple of cds that were going at great prices, I can’t remember since I scanned through them quickly before I clicked “add to cart”, “checkout” and …
Animation/Game, Jpop »
![Yui Horie – Honey Jet!! [15.07.09]](
With less than 4 weeks left, Hocchan(Yui Horie) will be releasing her seventh album, Honey Jet!! on 15 July 2009! Woohoo!
The songs included are Silky Heart, Vanilla Salt and a few more other songs. Hopefully 13-14 songs on the album yeah? But yes, if you want to have the two songs(OP & ED) from Toradora!, this is a must buy!
I already placed my order at CDJapan last month. Have you? Preorder yours today, no I mean NOW. XD. Retail price is at 3,000 yen. The limited edition comes with some …
The Lootings »

These came in today, was hoping that I would be lucky to actually receive yesterday but guess there was a delay. Lol. It was shipped on Monday afterall. Haha.
Fresh from CDJapan! Used up my coupons and lol I just received another coupon (again! LOL coupons ftw)
If you have been stalking me and my fangirlism, you should know who that is.. If you don’t, happy guessing :P
Bought a single and a live concert. Woohoo! I just finished watching the live concert today, twice! LOL.
If you still don’t know who she is, …
Diary/Sitely »

Being a human being.. we will definitely love something/someone/stuff etc. So.. I was just wondering recently, my loves. And well what I am referring to here is – the people I love <3 – singers, simply put. Lol. Yes I also love anime series(Nanoha series hurhur)
They are not ranked in any particular order I post, so please do not scream at me if you think I love Nana more than YUI or whatsoever, because I love ALL OF THEM. XD.
First up,
HOCCHAN – Yui Horie
Hocchan is known for her seiyuu roles …
The Lootings »

Another delivery today.. More spending. Orz. This time I did my first order at HMV Online.
HMV offers cheap shipping rate, 900 yen for 1-2 cds ordered. Because CDJapan didn’t have the single I wanted, my only options were either Amazon Japan or HMV Online.
Well you know the answer anyway, I went ahead with buying from HMV.
Behold my loot below =D.
Aice5 Love Power single. Love Power is the song used for Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru OP. ^^ And K-ON Limited Edition OP single.. which isn’t mine at all. LOL.
This can …
The Lootings »

The lack of posts these few days is partly due to me busy settling my personal stuff, while trying to maintain my anime-watching speed and also blog etc.
In fact yesterday I was feeling a bit emo because I had a parcel delivered but I was outside! And CDJapan only emailed me yesterday that they “shipped” out my parcel, but actually they shipped my parcel out last friday. Lol. They’re too efficient XD.
Well I went to the Post Office Headquarters to collect my parcel since I refuse to wait for another …