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Nendoroid Tsukasa & Miyuki

Written by: zenical on 27 November 2008 at 11:17 pm 2 Comments

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Tsukasa and Miyuki are finally getting the Nendoroid treatment. They will be released in March 2009, by Chara-Ani. So cute!! And they are affordable – I remember the previous time if you just wanted the Chara-Ani version, you have to pay more T_T. Kill those buggers who wants to earn a profit! This time our pockets are saved when we can order online ^^

Nendoroid Tsukasa

Nendoroid Miyuki

Retail price is 3,500 yen for each Nendoroid. Figurines worth to spend your money on – you can complete your Lucky Star Nendoroid Collection this way, if you have Konata and Kagami Nendoroid.

Tsukasa and Miyuki are available for preorders at Hobby Search. So get yours now!

Missing these two as I don’t have Konata and Kagami, and most likely people will start selling their MISB(Mint in Sealed Box) Konata/Kagami at high prices, because we would definitely want a set to complete the collection.

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  • bluesnow said:

    haha, it confused when I saw Miyuki as the clickable link and Tsukasa was at the topxD

    Tsukasa’s > Miyuki’s imo
    Her phone is also a plusxD


  • Gargron said:

    Yuki-chan is so cute!


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