[DS Review] Chrono Trigger
When I heard a few months ago that Chrono Trigger was coming out for the DS I knew I had to buy it… I still have The Super Nintendo Version, and the PlayStation One Version. Chrono Trigger is a game you can never have too much of… (That and my SNES controllers are starting to fail and my PS1 and 2 are having trouble reading disks latelyxD).
Chrono Trigger was origenally made in 1995 by Square for the Super Nintendo – that means I was probably 8 years old when I beat it the first time! But this is such an awesome game it gives a lot of incentives to beat it over and over because there are about a dozen different endings you can unlock. There’s even an Epic ending prepared for when you GAME OVER against Lavos the final Boss – I saw that way too many times XD.
^ Lavos Roar = Most memorable Sound effect ever!
Also having a File+ option, your second play-through lets you keep all the levels, abilities, and items. This is a plus! XD.
Storyline of Game
The story is awesome… It pulls off tear jerkers and can make you laugh. You travel through all time periods of the earth knowing the world will be mostly destroyed in 1999 when the colossal alien Lavos reawakens and wipes off most life on the face of the earth, leaving a small handful of humans starving to death and being persued by robotic life forms on some sort of genocide campaign. (The human killing factory made me cry when I was 8…. when you see people going down a conveyor belt screaming and disappearing into a room o.o).
The main characters from the past see that this is their future and decide to travel through time finding a way to stop it from happening.
Some of the characters are a little… cornyxD
1. Predictable Shounen hero that doesn’t talk
2. Tom Boy Princess
3. Genious Child Hood Friend
4. A Frog Knight… he was human at one point
5. A Friendly Robot
6. A Cave Women
7. A Overpowered Ancient Magician Worshipped by demons (Who is totally overpowered, Bad ass, has the best back story, and has the best character themexD)
Btw… ^ That is the most stupid team for that battle I’ve ever seenxD It must be a guy playing… they ditched all the female characters.
This game is actually very difficult, especially towards the end of the game where you don’t receive as much guidance to what you should actually be doing… then you end up in a dungeon like 20+ levels above you and get your butt kicked. I swear some of the bosses towards the end are actually more difficult that Lavos the last boss himself, though not nearly as epic of course o.o
If you have any sense of gamer pride you leave it on “Active Battle” system… this means that unlike most Final Fantasy Series… if its you’re turn to attack enemies are still going to attack you instead of waiting patiently for you to decide your next move… so You get pummeled to death while you’re looking for that stupid Elixer like 20 items down so you can get stupid Marle to actually cure, or waiting for all of your characters wait gauges to end so you can do a triple team attack.
Characters… besides Magus… Can only use a single element, like Lightning, Fire, and Ice/Water… some characters can’t use magic at all -but its ok… because they’re usually so powerful they don’t need magic to be useful/powerful!xD
As you level up character’s skill points (which can take ages especially for abilities like Luminaire) They’ll learn Double/Tripple Abilities they can perform with other characters.
*Fun Fact: I couldn’t read very well when I was 7-8 Years old… So I didn’t know how to read Chrono’s final attack “Luminaire.” I did know it was green and started with Lu… like Luigi from Mario lol! So I called it Luigi… He threw green plungers of mass destruction from the heavens o.o
The DS version does not offer many changes to the game, which is fine with me. It offers this weird monster Arena/Training bit that I’ll probably never do… And monster guides. It kept all the special movies from the PS1 version which is nice… but I was disappointed they didn’t add more to the game. The touch screen is usable but honestly not worth using… It at least makes a nice map for you which also is mostly useless since rooms in Chrono Trigger never really get very complicated.
The one BIG thing that inspired me to get the game was an extra ending based around Magus. I think it hints at the possibility of a direct sequal which would be awesome even though there’s already Chrono Cross. Watch the extra ending below… Beware of spoilers.
Now if they would just bring some games Like Lufia 2, Secret of Mana, Earth Bound… or even Grandia(PS) Redone for the DS I would just die of happiness! xD
Anyone else have games they want remade?

I wonder why Trigger looks really similar to Dragonball. Is the character designer from the Dragonball staff?
^ Yes~ The character design was by the creater of Dragon BallxD
Thats why they look so similar~
I don’t think it was the first time he did Video game character design~ Dragon Quest also took on his design as well.
I believe he also helped with the Play Station Movie sequences like this one:
I’m unsure if he played any part in the Chrono Trigger animated OVA though…
Great game!!!!!
I loved this game a lot…such classic…and I’m still playing it!!!!!!
[...] am clearly a big fan of Chrono Trigger, I even bought and reviewed their remake for the DS last year. At the end of the game there was hits of a possible sequel, which would explain why [...]
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