Fan Made Chrono Trigger Sequal Gets the Boot

Chrono Trigger Fan Made

Was reading video game news this morning and I came across something depressing over at Kotaku. Apparently a fanmade Chrono Trigger Project had been in the work for the last five years, and right before they were about to release it Square Enix started giving them legal threats.

 Above is a preview of the fan sequal.I’m all for being legally legit… But for Square Enix to stay silent for 5 years and then clamp down on them is really a shame after all that work they must have put into it. It also says alot about Square Enix and the current gaming industry; who are so busy milking their cash cows they aren’t really pleasing the original fan bases anymore.It also brought to mind another fan made Chrono Trigger Project that was shut down last year.

 I am clearly a big fan of Chrono Trigger, I even bought and reviewed their remake for the DS last year. At the end of the game there was hits of a possible sequel, which would explain why they’d shut down the fan made squeal. But if they aren’t going to touch the franchise any more they need to stop picking on the fans…

Chrono Trigger Future

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