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ELISA – Wonder Wind [Hayate no Gotoku!! S2 OP1]

Written by: zenical on 21 May 2009 at 10:22 pm One Comment

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ELISA latest single, Wonder Wind, with the song titled Wonder Wind is used for the OP theme song for the anime Hayate no Gotoku!! S2.

Tracklist as listed belows:

  1. Wonder Wind
  2. Rinrinto
  3. Wonder Wind (Instrumental)
  4. Rinrinto (Instrumental)

ELISA - Wonder Wind [Hayate no Gotoku! S2 OP1]

Below are the songs in the single, enjoy. =)

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

The limited edition of the single includes a bonus DVD featuring the PV for Wonder Wind. Retail price for the Limited Edition is at 1,890 yen, while the Regular Edition is retailing at 1,260 yen. The single is definitely worth buying! Order yours at CDJapan. Also, if you order quickly, you can get a B2-sized poster of ELISA ^_^

Not a regular fan of ELISA, but ELISA is pretty O_O. Lol. She has the potential to be a great singer. =3.

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One Comment »

  • Optic said:

    I’m kinda tempted. I just love both the OP and the extra song included with the single.

    Then again, I wanna get HIMEKA single as well. Hmmm…. choices, choices, choices. So many. >_<


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