Yui Horie – Honey Jet!! [15.07.09]
With less than 4 weeks left, Hocchan(Yui Horie) will be releasing her seventh album, Honey Jet!! on 15 July 2009! Woohoo!
The songs included are Silky Heart, Vanilla Salt and a few more other songs. Hopefully 13-14 songs on the album yeah? But yes, if you want to have the two songs(OP & ED) from Toradora!, this is a must buy!
I already placed my order at CDJapan last month. Have you? Preorder yours today, no I mean NOW. XD. Retail price is at 3,000 yen. The limited edition comes with some bonus, extra pictures of hocchan *_*.
Enjoy the Silky Heart PV below. HOCCHAN XDXD.

Checked out the PV despite haven’t watched the series.
Very nice. xD
I don’t think i will have time to watch the series. >_>
I feel kinda weird for admitting, I loved her song Vanilla Salt.
I was a huge, Toradora fan.
And I also admit, I would have picked the model. Not into loli.
Sorry Taiga.
[...] A total of 18,458 copies have been sold in 1 week. As compared to her previous album release, HONEY JET!! a total of 15,563 copies was sold. I would say it’s an improvement [...]
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