Cough Syrup
For the past two weeks, I have been down with a horrible dry cough. You should heard seen me complaining on Twitter ^_^”. While your typical coughs can be treated with cough medicines, dry cough is different. I have been given cough suppressants – which suppresses my urge to cough, but my surroundings are still making me cough. LOL.
Today, I am still suffering from cough. The cough syrup I was on yesterday almost made me puke for some reason. I guess my stomach is starting to react to the medication that has been flowing in.
Have you ever consumed any type of medication which made you feel like puking?
If you want to imagine my sick face now, just look at Nendoroid Pastel Ink. -_-.

In these dreadful times, u still managed to “LOL” XD
Never really consumed any medications the made me puked but I have medications where cicada shells was in it. :)
Good thing I didn’t need to eat them.
Cough Syrup makes me sicker 99% of the time. I can only take the capsules since the liquid makes me nauseous.
It probably made you sick because the purpose of the medicine is to break up congestion and snot in your throat!xD
But if you’ve been sick so long its drained into your stomach~ it tries to break it up in there which interferes with your digestive acids.
At least this is my assumption since I’m an expert on being sick LOL xD
The really disgusting ones are often the ones that work. None of the Canada/America made ones work on me. I have to drink the Chinese ones that has a super bad before and after taste. All that made my stomach able to tolerate just about anything.
Aw poor Zen, Sick……. AGAIN! XD I hope you get better. Yeah sometimes the medicine doesn’t agree with you. I learned that the hard way when i first had Tylenol….. not a fun experience.
@ Optic: I’m trying to have a happy mood here about the cough, being depressed bout the cough will simply make you MORE DEPRESSED!!!
@ bluesnow: I was given one.. but it will give me constipation.. DO NOT WANT LOL
@ GNdynames: I heard that chinese meds work.. tho I will never try it…
@ kurando: It’s the weather I tell you
[...] I missed my local shop which was selling this tapestry(due to my cough and I had to stay home). I heard that the Nanoha goodies were sold out quickly that day, got a [...]
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