The year of 2009 is coming to an end soon. In few months time, we will be counting down to the new year! So, naturally, it’s time to spend more money for 2010; Anime Calendars style ;).
There a couple of calendars available for preorder at Hobby Search. Do hop on over for more selections. To name a few: Shana, D.Gray-Man, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc.
Over at CDJapan, there are even more 2010 Calendars for you to choose from. I personally have a 2008 one, and it’s not used at all. LOL.
To name a few anime calendars for 2010: Valkyria Chronicles, Toradora!, Chrome Shelled Regios, Shugo Chara!, Bleach, Naruto
I’m tempted to order a Valkyria Chronicles one for myself, but knowing me, I might not even use the calendar at all ~_~. Oh, do note that the calendars available at CDJapan and Hobby Search are different. Hobby Search is more focused on “Comic Calendar” while the ones at CDJapan are anime-styled calendars.
So are you getting any? ;)
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I’m tempted to get the Valkyria Chronicles one myself.
But then again, a shana one would be good as well. :)
[...] More: 2010 Anime Calendars | zone otaku [...]
Hetalia Calender > All xD
PASTAaaaaaaa xD
The one that interest me the most is actually the Ponyo one.
@ Optic: Tempted as well. I want VC T_T
@ bluesnow: LOL! NO VC ALL THE WAY XD
@ GNdynames: Why? too bad there’s no Nanoha calendar or I could have attempted to poison you XD
Do you know of any site that previews the calendars? I would love to preorder a couple, but I’m hesitant without knowing what the calendar looks like. The covers on cdjapan are only so telling.
@ alamarco: The sites will only preview the main cover or just a sample picture. I recommend getting the Comic Calendars though, they’re superb!
Thanks for the recommendation. Looks like no matter what I’ll be taking a risk. Guess I’ll order a couple and hope for the best. :)
@ alamarco: Order wisely… ;)
Definitely! Don’t want any friends coming down and seeing hentai Bleach calendar on my wall :p
[...] here are some links to sites if you guys want to buy some too: Anime Castle – Calendars 2010 2010 Anime Calendars | zone otaku Calendars for 2010 Anime Calendars and Anime wall calendar designs 2010 Anime Calendars from [...]
[...] with less than a month to 2010, have you prepared for the change of calendars on your desk? Following up from my previous post of various anime calendars that were scheduled to be out in [...]