My First Gundam Model!
Yup as the titles says it, I just got my first ever Gundam model! =D This is actually a Christmas from M. He went to Hokkaido for a short while and he knew I have always wanted to assemble a Gundam model, so he bought one for me! Thanks a lot M!
All the pictures I have taken are after I have finished assembling the parts, so sorry! No work-in-progress stuff here! Guess I was too excited to assemble it that I did not think about taking pictures >.<.
M told me that if I want to do this as a hobby, then I should start out small, and I felt that this really just nice for a newbie like me. The parts are quite big, so I have less trouble finding them. This model alone took me around 5 hours to finish. I know that is really long, but I had to do it very slowly because I really do not want to mess it up!
As I was making it, there was always this constant fear of putting together the wrong things. This is because some of the parts are really tight, so once you piece them together there is no turning back.
For this whole operation, I used a pair of pliers and tweezers. Only towards the end, did I manage to use the pliers more effectively. If I want to continue this hobby, then I think I have to include a file to file away those annoying bumps that is left on the parts after using the pliers.
Well I am very satisfied with the end result. However, I still wish that I had figured out how to use the pliers more effectively at the earlier stages. Here are some more pictures that I have taken of chibi Exia! Enjoy!
*Jacques has a blog dedicated to his passion for Gundam models. Please give his blog a visit and drop by on his own chibi Exia post XD.
Gundam Exia Repair II – Pictures!

Chibi Gundam? XD
Credit goes to you for selecting a nice model ;)
Yup! Hahaha. When I first let Zenical see it she was like “OMG so cute!! I want!!!” XD
VERY CUTE!!! I think I might buy one as well! (if they’re not sold out…)
If you worry about accidentally snapping the parts fit, you can snip the connecting part at a 45 degree angle, doing so will allow you to test-fit you parts and also make it easier to separate them.
Very cute indeed XD. Glad to see you like a lot =).
I never thought of that o.o thanks a lot for the advice =). Will definitely keep that in mind if I ever want to make another one. Oh, I visited your blog and put a link to your SD BB Senshi 00 Gundam post XD. I know it’s kind of old, but I like it!
Congrats on your first gunpla! I don’t build SD (Super Deformed aka “chibi”) models but it’s a good start nonetheless! Btw that thing on Exia’s left hand is an original weapon/gimmick – it doesn’t appear in the anime or in the background story :o
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