DS Price Drop And New DSi LL Colors
Saw that the Nintendo has announced price drop for the current lineup of DS hardware. Probably great news for folks who have yet to pick up one. I got myself one but sold it away after releasing that there aren’t many great games (to me). But now, I realised that THERE ARE A LOT OF GAMES! Oh the irony..
Starting June 19, the DS Lite will go from 16,800 yen to open pricing. The DSi will go from 18,900 yen to 15,000 yen. The DSi LL (XL overseas) will drop from 20,000 yen to 18,000 yen.
[open pricing means priced at the retail level and is on its way out]
In addition, on June 19, these 3 new colors: Blue, Yellow and Green will be available for the DSi LL too! The 3 colors will join Wine Red, Dark Brown and Natural White, which have been the LL’s only color options since the November 2009 release.
These 3 new colors will be priced at 18,000 yen too. If you fancy a smaller screen, do pick up the DSi at only the price of 15,000 yen, that’s 3,000 yen away from a DSi LL(18,000 yen).
Source: andriasang

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