Articles tagged with: Funny
Japan »

Check out this interesting clip of Japanese celebrities attempting to cycle over water using the 300-meters flimsy floating bridge. Of course some made it halfway through, some barely even made it even at the beginning ^^”
Last two folks in the clip managed to cycle over the water. Impressive! The second last guy who was the first to cycle over the 300m floating bridge however, dropped into the water after crossing the end point. LOL?
Source: Japan Probe
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Japan »

Take a look at this hilarious clip as seen at Japan Probe. Featuring some old footage of our lovable Pan-kun in his Winter Adventure with dog buddy James!
In the clip they: 1) ring a bell of happiness, 2) say hello to a parrot, 3) fool around in a dog salon, and 4) go rolling on a cart. Number 3 is probably the best part of the clip :p
Japan »

Pan-kun returns with some cleaning up tricks. Previously he was impressed with some magic tricks, and today, he’s helping to clean the house ^^.
James seemed to be having a hard time in controlling Pan-kun ^^”. Love to have an animal who would help clean up my house! So sweet of Pan-kun to give James a massage after the “end-of-year cleaning”!
Source: Japan Probe
Japan »

Few months back, I posted a clip featuring this guy who could get up and ready within 5 minutes. Today, I bring you washed-up comedian Sekai no Nabeatsu shows off his super fast waking up & getting ready technique!
While Sekai no Nabeatsu has a more filling breakfast, his attire to dress up is easier compared to the other guy. Do check out the other clip! Regardless, both of them are amazing! They can get up and be ready within 5 minutes. I normally take up 1 hour to shower, prepare …