Articles tagged with: Live Action
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Looks like I will get the chance to watch Nodame Live-Action film in Singapore this coming March 11 2010! Film will also open in Hong Kong and Macau on March 4. Currently arrangements are still being dealt with for distribution in Korea.
The movie will have two parts, Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 just opened last Saturday in Japan. Part 2 will open on April 17 2010. Meanwhile, enjoy the trailer below!
Source: ANN
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In a recent poll it has been unveiled that the majority of Japanese disapprove of Live action adaptions of manga. The majority, 64.8%, complained that in live action movies “The cast felt out of place,” “They often don’t treat the image of the original work properly” and “There’s a limit to what you can express in film.”The 35.2% that did approve, quoted reasons such as “It’s possible to enjoy the casting choices,” and “It can promote a title to a wider audience.”
While I don’t know what series are being released …
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Hiroya Oku’s sci-fi action manga “GANTZ” is being adapted into two live-action films planned to be released in 2011. The movies will star Arashi boyband’s member Kazunari Ninomiya (26) and actor Kenichi Matsuyama (24, L from Death Note). Filming starts next month and is slated to end next year, April.
Shinsuke Sato is directing the films, which have reportedly been given a budget of 4 billion yen, with lots of CG involved. It is said that producers are aiming to make the film suitable for general audiences, which means that …
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Anyone else a fan of Epic Mind *uck anime Akira? Are you a fan of Hollywood adaptions of anime? In the off chance you’re both you’ll be very happy to know that the Live Action Hollywood adaption of this legendary franchise is infact not canceled. Apparently script writers have been so busy trying to Americanize the plot they went into a temporary media coma. They are now ensuring the suspenseful fans that Japanese Boy Akira will no longer grow up in Post-Apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo, but Manhattan USA. He will keep his …
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It was many moons ago that live action movie adaption of ultimate Gyabo manga/anime series Nodame Cantabile was announced, and finally we get a trailer of its awesomeness. The first of the two movies is planned to be released in movie theaters on December 19th.
I’m generally not a fan of Japanese Live action anything; I haven’t even seen the highly acclaimed J-Drama adaption despite being such a big fan of the series, but the trailer is amusing enough that I have decided I have to see this no matter what …