Articles tagged with: LIVE Concert
Seiyuu »

So I finally decided to sit down and review my Hocchan Live Concert in 2006! Woohoo. Of course it had to take some pesteringencouragement from Optic for me to start XD.
Yui Horie, also known as Hocchan is a famous voice actress and singer. Her cute voice makes it worthwhile to listen to all her songs XD. Live Concerts are a great way to start if you get interested in any singer. Why? Because Live Concerts are different compared to recorded songs. Woots! (Optic are you reading this?!?! LOL)
So with that, …
The Lootings »

These came in today, was hoping that I would be lucky to actually receive yesterday but guess there was a delay. Lol. It was shipped on Monday afterall. Haha.
Fresh from CDJapan! Used up my coupons and lol I just received another coupon (again! LOL coupons ftw)
If you have been stalking me and my fangirlism, you should know who that is.. If you don’t, happy guessing :P
Bought a single and a live concert. Woohoo! I just finished watching the live concert today, twice! LOL.
If you still don’t know who she is, …
The Lootings »

The lack of posts these few days is partly due to me busy settling my personal stuff, while trying to maintain my anime-watching speed and also blog etc.
In fact yesterday I was feeling a bit emo because I had a parcel delivered but I was outside! And CDJapan only emailed me yesterday that they “shipped” out my parcel, but actually they shipped my parcel out last friday. Lol. They’re too efficient XD.
Well I went to the Post Office Headquarters to collect my parcel since I refuse to wait for another …
The Lootings »

Oh yeah I finally have stuff from the postman this week, which contains stuff which are actually MINE. 2 weeks back, I received my parcel from Hobby Search for the month of December order. Well I WAS supposed to have Signum, but she got delayed to January 2009. So yeah, I didn’t have anything in that particular order.. :(
This week is quite a loot-heavy week for me. I feel so happy receiving stuff from the postman XD.
3 Hayates! Well only one is mine. The other 2 are not mine. Kindly …
The Lootings »

Opened LIVE FIGHTER posters, well only the blu-ray ones. I think they are the same as those who bought both the BLUExRED Side DVDs. Anyway pictures stolen from abao(I UPDATED!!), since he was complaining that I didn’t update zotaku -_-. And I didn’t have anyone to help me to take a picture of the posters as I hold onto it. Oh well.
Disclaimer: I own the posters too, but the hands that are holding the posters are not me. LOL.Anyway hope the posters are enough to make those who did not …
The Lootings »

Got this from the postman just now. I have been waiting anxiously this morning as this is the first concert that Nana Mizuki will be featured in HIGH DEFINITION(Blu-ray ftw) and well, my first Blu-Ray purchase! ^^ Damage done was approximately 500SGD(Correction not everything inside are mine.. I helped abao to order Live Fighter DVDs too =D)
Having preordered the moment they were available to order.. I got first press editions, and well, we have posters =D.
Too lazy to open them. I think I have four posters, yet to open them …
Events, Fandom News, Figurine, Gundam »

Only one more week left to AFA08, and today I saw some news updated at the AFA08 official website! I’m all pumped up XD. There are LIMITED EDITION GUNDAMS! YES! Now this is something worth going high over!! And Limited Edition Armored Core Limited Edition Item, First Release in the World. Woots!
We’re also getting some of the November Gundam Launch at AFA08, which is in my opinion, awesome.
Transparent is really not my cup of tea. I’m looking forward to the Clear 1/144 Exia, and will decide whether to purchase based …
Events, Fandom News »

Imagine if you heard the name Mizuki + AFA08 + Performance. Surely you would have thought of Nana Mizuki? Sadly, nope it’s not Nana but someone else known as “The King” – Ichirou Mizuki.
International Anime superstar has performed over 1,200 songs including theme songs from the golden age of Anime “Mazinger Z”, “Captain Harlock” and Tokusatsu theme songs, such as “Masked Rider”
Ichirou Mizuki, Japan’s King of Anime Songs is set to perform in Singapore on November 22nd 2008 for “Anime Live“. In 1999, it was stated that he held …
Diary/Sitely »

Just like every Singaporean knows, May’n is coming to Singapore to perform live. It’s her first Live Performance outside of Japan. Big event and highlight for AFA08, definitely. Still I prefer my Nana-chan XD
When the VIP Passes went on sale on 1st November 2008, I wasn’t the least interested to waste my 100 bucks on a concert that I wasn’t interested. Yeah well the part where she’ll be performing live and also her first live performance was something appealing, yet, I resisted :D.
I did hear about people starting to hear …