Articles tagged with: Loots
Gundam, The Lootings »

It’s funny how people stress to buy presents for friends. For my friends, some of them are too lazy to think what I want for my birthday, so I told them one simple word – Gundam. Ha! Of course someone else here is so smart to actually give me gundam kits for my present, without me saying anything x). Well my loots/presents whatever you want to phrase them as!
Firstly it’s my seniors who lovelike me. Yes they give me a present every year!
The horrible wrapping.. Well obviously it’s the work …
Figurine, The Lootings »

I went down to KKnM to collect this yesterday! Am now the proud owner of the first Ayanami Rei in my collection! Why not the other Rei? Why this? Well I wanted the Kotobukiya’s Ayanami Rei but it was sold out at the time I ordered this.. And when she got restocked, I already placed my order for this 1/8 Ayanami Rei Alter!! T_T Anyway I love this figurine. She’s laying down and well, this figurine will be fun to take shots with. ^^
The box itself is pretty!! AYANAMI REI …
The Lootings »

The postman just rang my doorbell. Yes the haul from October has arrived. Sadly nothing inside is mine. LOL. I had Figmas for October but they got delayed to a November Release, so yes, I’ll probably have new loots early December. Still, expecting my Shana Nendoroid which I placed at the local shop. She’ll be released next week. Yay! So what’s in the box? X)
Parcel was supposed to ship off since last Friday, but because Monday was a Public Holiday in Japan and my parcel only got sent on Thusday. …
The Lootings »

Two days ago, I couldn’t resist clicking stuff from Amazon Japan. As such.. I spent again, this time on books. LOL. This is my first time purchasing from Amazon Japan, so was pretty worried whether the customs would fap on the materials in the box. I heard stories of locals like me, importing DVDs only to have them raped totally. So at the end of the day, I asked myself – will my books get raped too? The only solution is to ship and try, since experience is your best …
Gundam, The Lootings »

Today I went out to pass the figmas which weren’t mine from last week loots. Cleared up most of the money matters so I’m now debt free~(lols bluesnow should feel happy for me aye?XD) I still have 10 more dollars to collect, but I’ll probably pass the figma to him next week or so.
Went to visit the local comic stores to check if 1/144 HG Scale 00 Gundam is in. Apparently it was, but I wasn’t really keen for an impulse buy since the 1/100 scale will be released in …
The Lootings »

I got another visit from the postman today =D. Lol the parcel was like bigger than him. He was small-sized that I think he had difficulty just carrying the parcel by himself.. LOL.
This is by far the biggest parcel I ever ordered from Hobby Search. Oh right, this is my September Loots. Though it’s October now, I had it to be prepared for shipping around 30 September! Just arrived today.
This was what it looks like – boxes stuff in boxes ^^
In the parcel, 3 Yuki Nagato Evil Magician Figma, 2 …
The Lootings »

I have been procrastinating pretty much. If you noticed, I am currently backlogged on at least 6 episodes. But I think I’ll most likely cut it down to 5 reviews because Itazura na Kiss Episode 25 wasn’t really the ending, more like a special episode? Episode 24 of Itazura na Kiss was the ending, so most likely I will combine the two episodes into a single review.
So, why are the reviews backlogged? Because I was too excited that my stuff were coming today! ^^
This morning, I have a very pleasant …
The Lootings »

Postman just came to my doorstep. He was supposed to make for the morning delivery – that’s how they work, if it gets packed with him before lunch, he will deliver around noon. However! Today he made it at around 4pm, kinda late.. My medicine is making me drowsy (I have flu) and I really wanted to sleep T_T.
This is my first time purchasing from Play-Asia. Although the figurine was priced more than the retail price at HLJ, I managed to get a 10 USD coupon from someone and the …
The Lootings »

The postman kept coming to my house this week! Shana Max Factory was delivered today ^^. My first Shana Figurine has arrived!
Total here is around 230 SGD, approximately. Many thanks to my friend J.D for sponsoring, I mean selling the figurines to me(specially that Miku Hatsune Nendoroid!) Wuhahaha! I managed to grab the last Shana Max Factory figurine at Hobby Search. Yes very glad I got her since I missed the preorder for her last year! T_T.
Will be doing a Figma Fate review soon. Stay tuned! ^^