Articles tagged with: PSP
Japan »

Not many girls game these few days, and even if they do, it’s either the PSP, DS or the Wii XD. A Japanese marketing company has polled mostly Japanese schoolgirls about their console tastes. Here are the results:
Out of the 3,339 polled, only 161 of them were male students and the rest were female. Fifty-two of them were under the age of 11 years old; 2,387 of them were between the ages of 12 and 19; 682 of them were between the ages of 20 and 25: 218 of them …
Game »
Diary/Sitely »

Are you gamer? If yes, are you a male or a female? The common response you’ll get is “male”. I seldom find female gamers here – or maybe they’re just too lazy to go to forums to do some self-introduction to the local gaming community.. Okay back to the main point of this post :). You might find yourself fitting to the “28, male, educated, moneyed” category. It depends on whether you match the criteria shared by U.S. PSN director of operations Eric Lempel to the publication Video Business.
The PS3 …
Game »

The upcoming new PSP, PSPgo has a non-removable battery. Pandora’s Battery made modding the PSP firmware, and thus software piracy, very easy. And that is why, the PSPgo has an internal battery – just for that reason.
PSP 1000 and 2000 models were easy to hack, but with the release of 3000, we can see just see how Sony is taking measures to stop piracy. With the new PSPgo, will piracy be completely wiped out? The only downside of the new PSPgo is that once your battery starts to go, you …
Game »

PS2 Japanese RPG Persona 3 will be coming to the PSP this fall with some interesting changes.
The port is due November 1st 2009, and will feature a number of changes, the most notable of which is that the protagonist will be a female instead of the previous male.
Additionally, an entirely new character is promised, looking to be a male version of Elizabeth; some gameplay additions in the form of new difficulty levels are also promised.
People have been telling me to play the persona games almost daily at this point… someone …
Game »
Game »

Probably slow in posting this, but better late than never XP.
Titled Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A’s Portable – The Battle of Aces (魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s PORTABLE-THE BATTLE OF ACES-), the PSP game is heading for a release in 21 Jan 2010 and will be available in SP Version(in this case, Lyrical Box) and the Normal Version. [...]
Game »

So a few days ago I decided to try out the Vocaloid Miku game “Project Diva” for the PSP. This “rythm” type game lets you play as Hatsune miku in about 32 addiciting stages/songs. There are also dozens of unlockable costumes and other vocaloid characters.
Before anything… let it be noted that THERE IS NO AUTO SAVE FEATURE! Me and several other’s I have spoken to played for a few hours assuming incorrectly that it saved itself and came back and had to start over from scratch xD
Each stage is a …
Game »

Remember the days where you spent hours, days, weeks, months playing Monster Hunter on your PSP? Going for quests with friends using the ad-hoc function or connecting online to interact with other users?
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (English Version) was just released on the 23rd of June 2009 and has already shipped over 3.5 million copies.
The Japan version was out earlier in late 2008 with the title “Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G”, and has shipped over 3 million copies. To date Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G is the best selling game …