Articles tagged with: TV Shows
Jpop »

The latest single from UVERworld, released for sale yesterday in Japan. The single’s title track will be featured on the Japanese broadcast of House. Not a song for any anime series, but yeah, gotta love the songs!
Tracklisting as follows:
the truth
マダラ蝶 (Madara Chou)
Enjoy GO-ON and the truth.
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
And here’s the PV of GO-ON. Oh what’s with those funny funny animal/creatures? XD. Takuya looks “old” with his new hair color..(Takuya is the vocalist)
Video removed due to player license problems, will find …
Japan »

What happens when you get a Japanese fangirl to visit UK for a chance to walk in Hogwarts only to be surprised when the stars turned up to greet her! =O.
Note: Do get a tissue ready because after watching the clips I was wiping off tears of laughter from my eyes. LOL
Sanma Akashiya’s “Karakuri Terebi” held a contest last month in which 10,000 of Japan’s biggest Harry Potter fans competed for a chance to travel to the UK and interview the stars of the new Harry Potter movie. As it …
Japan »

Just got this youtube link from my friend, it is extremely entertaining that I have to share this with everyone XD.
This Japanese TV Show features how to get up, brush your teeth, prepare and eat your breakfast, bind your tie, etc in just 5 minutes!
What about you? I think I need like 1 hour to prepare every morning. Lol..
Diary/Sitely »

Heroes Season 3 finally aired few days back. Have you been watching Heroes? Or are you one of those people who refused to watch Heroes because it is too X-Men type?
Was waiting eagerly for Heroes to air last week. Finally got a chance to watch, but I was darn confused while watching. Was it because that Season 2 sucke(Writer’s Strike) that caused the story to be questionable? I mean the writers did a review of the storyline so when they came back they made adjustments to the storyline ><.
And yes …