Spice and Wolf Season 2 In the Works!

Spice and wolf 2-1Old news, but a second season has finally been announced for Spice and Wolf. This was kind of expected since they didn’t reach their destination in season onexD, but still a nice surprise. While people have mixed feelings about this show (1/2 thinks its boredom to the point of tears, and the other just like wolf girls) I personally really enjoyed this series. Its a change from my usual diet of comedy and action genres; very mellow.

Short summary of the series: A merchant teams up with a wolf goddess of wheat and he is going to travel with her back to her home. Because she’s “Haro the wise” she is a big help with his merchant business… and when things go bad she could just turn into a wolf and eat their enemies if she felt like it. Haro likes apples… and most other food.

Love the opening of season 1 lots~ Infact it make it on to my top list of favorite anime songs.

Here’s more information about the second season for those interested!

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