Europe PSN Cards
PS3 gamers who purchase Region 2 games (UK) and are unable to purchase DLC (downloadable content) from the PSN Store, can find themselves using these Europe PSN Cards that might be out this coming October 2009!
From Kotaku,
A report on PS3-Sense points out a retailer listing for a European PSN card, complete with pricing in Euros (there’s both a €20 and €50 card listed). While the retailer is careful to point out that this isn’t the official pack art for the cards (which we’d imagine in Europe would ship in multiple languages), they do suggest an October release date, which just happens to coincide with the lauch of the PSPgo.
However, Sony Computer Entertainment would not comment on this rumor and speculation.
Local shops here tend to bring in almost all the regions of the games. R1 and R3 are common, R2 will be the last resort for gamers who do not wish to purchase DLC(since we can’t buy DLC on the PSN Store with our own card). If Europe PSN Cards do make it to the market, I wonder what will happen to the pricing of the R2 games? Will they stay the same?
You can easily buy LBP R2 game here for 25 SGD! It’s that cheap XD.
What are the regions of your PS3 games?

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