Berserk Season 2!- Rumor
There is currently an online rumor about a second season of the most epic series of all time; Berserk. If said rumors were true I would go as far as to say this is the biggest announcement of the year.
J2d, a member of the video game-centric forum NeoGAF, seems to have insider information regarding a sequel to the Berserk anime.
Apparently, he learned from an old friend (who now works for the animation company, Studio 4°C) that a new Berserk anime is in production, and was even lucky enough to get a glimpse at some of the footage.
Now, due to a lapse in judgment (he was drunk, apparently), J2d’s leaked a few shots of the trailer onto NeoGAF, seemingly confirming the project’s existence. He took them down soon after, but by then it was too late. They had already begun to spread like wildfire.
Here are some of the *Rumored leaked images:
The manga has been ongoing since 1990, and the first season aired more than a decade ago. I am both a huge fan of the anime and the ongoing manga, so if this rumor turns out to be true I would be overjoyed!
Source: Manga Helpers

you excited girl who pushed the post up >_> LOL.
This is amazing news.
Let’s just hope that this project is really ongoing…the first season was great, but it was missing some elements. GO FOR IT WE WANT SEASON 2!!!!
This would make my life complete.
[...] this list, besides Berserk, which has a small rumor circulating about another season or a movie, all other series have died [...]
[...] has been rumors of a second season of the anime. There is probably just enough for another season before they catch up, at that point fans will [...]
The new animation looks too digital. It doesn’t have the same style the ’98 one had which kind of sucks. Casca is drawn differently, so this might be fake. As long as it has the same edge, at least their making a season 2.
.,, Reply:
June 21st, 2010 at 4:59 am
however its more true to the way she is drawn in the manga after the eclipse.
The new animation looks too digital. It doesn’t have the same style the ’98 one had which kind of sucks. Casca is drawn differently, so this might be fake. As long as it has the same edge, at least their making a season 2.
Cascas a tard in the manga and they have a loli witch and a giant tree now, id say its pretty much spot on for her.
I really hope to god this is real!!!!!!!!!!
Berserk is amazing, and so is the manga. Please someone make a second season already, stop fucking teasing us and just friggen do it. Man if berserk was a girl this has got to be the longest cockblock ever
zomg let it be true i’ve been waiting for this for a long time. if it turns out to be fake i say we riot haha =P
Praise to the Gods if this rumor turns out to be true!!! I’ve been waiting for so long now…….if it’s a lie, then a Curse upon them all!!!!! heh
please put the secound season of berserk its one of the grestist i ever watched
I am with Bleedingedge, I say full blown riot. This is bullshit.
Not all of us like to read manga, and I guess not all of us CAN read, so make the rest of the story into an anime!
Why the hell are there like, 3 other seasons full of story, of MANGA!! I’m Sorry, but I live in the US, and it is not NEARLY as popular as watching anime, I guess it is much more popular in Japan, but still, make a freaking show already. WTF
I love how no one, except Ms. Cynical Zen, who has never even seen this series, bothered posting in this post at first…
But its managed to get bumped alot lately xD
@ Omnitravis: The anime did cover about 1/4 of the manga~ But in reality its more like 1/3 since some of what got cut would have had to have been in the first season. So 2/3 of the manga are left to animate. What is left is quite good, I reread the series just last week and realized how awesome the tower arc would be, But at the rate the mangaka is actually writing the story~ It wouldn’t take much effort for the anime to catch up.
[...] in the past year. It made me remember how truely amazing some of the material left is; I hope the rumors about a second series/ova turn out to be [...]
now dream come true, fantastic news I can’t wait any longer, please give me only season 2 and I can die in peace.
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Berserk Season 2 Rumorsssss…
You can also see a vid of these photos on youtube… one of the dudes comments…
Miura actually had a liner note at the end of the most recently published chapter (308 or 309) stating that unfortunately, he was working on it but it has been cancelled. Apparently the investors or whoever just friggin SUCK agh! We need to riot or something lol!
Though i still have high hopes. Perhaps this is disinformation in reaction to these leaked images in order to crush our hopes and dreams while secretly creating theee most epic fuggling concoction ever produced. Everything about these images looks real. and even if it is canceled all that really means is delayed…. theres a right time for everything…. until then id be happy with blu ray of season 1.
these pics make my balls so wet.
Why don’t they get some AMERICAN Investors! Shit man, Berserk is like EPIC over here, not a single anime fan hasn’t heard of BERSERK. They shouldn’t have any problem finding companies like Teletoon and shit to bank them.
Come on Miura Make a trip to Hollywood Buddy! Let’s get it done, I’ll invest in your show for you. I don’t have billions, But I could Invest enough for half a series.
Seriously there is well over a million Anime fans in North America, prolly closer to 10 of millions of anime fans, if every fan gave a DOLLAR, Berserk would have the bank it needed to make a series. And once it got going, companies would want in on it. It’s A sure thing, any of you speak japanese, you should write a letter to MIura and tell him to start looking over here for help, fuck japan. They have screwed him over on season 2 berserk for over 10 years now its getting to be a little silly if you ask me.
I really do hope this goes ahead!
da images look fantastic a lil 2 animated but great all the same!
Berserk is massive in the UK SO many manga fans know about it and love the 1st season!
a 2nd season is much needed for da fans…. and im sure their are many of them!
a 2nd season would be really great right about now, especially with the manga being so irratic with its releases
@bromeus, if an american company picked up the series it wouldn’t be the same. we have so many censorship rules and laws there’d be no blood, cursing or nudity
I’m pretty sure the censorship only applies to things on T.V., fuck showing it on T.V. just release season two on dvd or something. I’d go buy that in an instant.
People this project lasts 10 years.That means that they already have BERSERK anime ready to releas.In other word’s it is on DVD now.It’s matter of time before they let it out for sale.10 year’s of making manga!I can bet in my life that they finished 2nd season and starting next.GET READY FANS BECAUSE YOUR HERO GUTS WILL GO BERSERK ONCE MORE ON YOUR TV!!!LET THE KILLING OF APOSTOLS BEGIN!!!
cheers n best wishes too all
sorry to break it to ya guys but the plot is shit. it only gets interesting in the 28 book, but they are probably gonna cover that only in the 3rd season. i only read it because of atmosphere and epic drawing. that guy could draw tables and i would pay to see the drawings
^ The best chapters in the manga are in the Tower arc… which is long before volume 28 =P
But I agree his drawings are awesome… that was my only beef with the original anime series… its animation did the series no justice when compared to the manga.
just hope they don’t cut too much stuff considering 90% of the manga is not exactly pg stuff….
and if it becomes another blade of the immortal and gonna fuckin shove my mouse up my asshole………………. am getting too excited already ……… SHIT
Since I stormed down to write my comment after hearing the news while not reading the comments until now, I totally agree on donating some money if the investors fuck him over. Fuck cancer, this is more important!!!1!
i cant wait till it comes out if it does i’ve been whating to see what happens after first one was over
Lol! This has to be fake. At the end of the berserk series everyone was killed. Guts got an eye gorged out, and an arm cut off. Caska was raped by griffith and everyone was trapped in that demon world.. But Guts got out for some reason? I dont think caska was released. Just used as a playtoy for griffith. The animation looks different. Rumors were going around in 2003 about a season two coming out. Its been 7 years. Nothing is going to come out. Unless griffith only raped caska infront of guts to get him back for what he did to him and let her go too, i dont think that girl is the same as caska. maybe a girl who LOOKs like caska, but she wouldnt ever grow her hair out long knowing her. But you know, wait another 7 years and rumors will still be going around. but this is fake, and i will admit the first berserk season isnt going to make a second.
Lick_my_ear Reply:
April 20th, 2010 at 6:00 am
..somebody hasn’t been reading the manga to closely! xDD
Oh, and it also looks to childish now! Look at that pixie picture! Nothing will amount to the first series of Berserk! =/
@ Lendri: Read the Manga =P
And Puck is manly lol.
@Lendri: U never read the Manga, did you?
The Anime beginns with Guts, coming into a town to kill its landlord – a huge demon snake.
He is called ‘The black Swordman’; this event took place AFTER Griffith sold everyone out in the demon world.
Due to spoilers, I’m not gonna in how he escaped the demon world.
But as for the Topic: I saw those images a year ago.. It’s declared fanart and therefore: Fake
You all should know this is fake..
Look at screen shot 3. HE WAS NEVER IN THE ANIME
Ledad Reply:
February 6th, 2010 at 5:45 am
Thats beacause the anime covers the flashback that Puck isnt in…
^ *If this were real~
Puck’s present wouldn’t pose a problem.
Especially this it were to be an ova… then it could just ignore the anime’s mess up all together.
Only one coment, those images looks like a redrawing from the games, the first one is a carbon copy from the Ps2 game intro, next two from the DC game, and last one from either of them, hell, they can be even images from the history boards (with redrawn) of those games.
Seriously this is the best news of the whole year!
I watched this anime bout 3 years ago and was so pissed off when i saw the ending :< . But now A NEW HOPE!. Lets all cross our fingers and pray its true.=)
Jinzuro Reply:
February 12th, 2010 at 4:27 am
I love the fact that their continuing it…but I mean come on. Its been too long and the second season is going to look too much better. They should just re-do the entire thing, without making the mistake of leaving out the elf from the beginning because he’s one of the main characters. The first season is just definitely in need of a remake because I felt more that they just didn’t do it justice.
You just broke my heart
oh…the release that never came to U.S. and not everyone has the modded system to play the import? yeah…alot of people are going to know that.
Hm… But wait…then again. all the scenes in the ps2 version are all in 3d animation ::squints eyes:: that certainly doesn’t look 3d to me. I would like whatever your smoking
i want the graphics look like the original anime :(
Guts has a lot of guts. I mean this in a lot of ways, sorry no season 2 yet.
They should make an xbox 360 game based off this epic anime.
if this is real then this is the best news EVER although i kinda dont like puck being in it hes sorta annoying IMO
ew not a fail xbox game, america will taint the epic anime, it should b made for ps3 if ne thing
Lol ppl this is completly fake…if you belive this stuff you have mental problems. Instead of stay here, waiting for second season, start reading manga, it’s very well worth it.
That just looks like manga shots digitally coloured in.
Nowhere else mentions a season 2, even later volumes of the manga aren’t being translated.
I’d love a season two, yet we’ll have to kep up the support if we want that!
ok cool i cant w8
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