Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition Announced For PlayStation 3
In our previous post about the PS3 motion controller, we have told you about “Resident Evil 5: Director’s Cut” being made compatible with it. Well, this re-release of the game is now called Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition. Pretty weird way of calling a new edition don’t you think? I don’t know about you guys, but this is the first time I have ever heard of an “Alternative Edition” >.<. Maybe there is a meaning behind it.
In this Alternative Edition, there are so far 2 confirmed features being added. The first of course is support for the PS3 motion controller (still doesn’t have a name!!). We have seen the motion controller being demonstrated with Little Big Planet. In the video above, it is being demonstrated with Resident Evil 5. Everything looks okay and natural with the motion controller. You aim like how you will aim with a Wii controller, and then you swing it to brandish the knife when it is equipped. However, there is one thing which made me really disappointed… The guy demonstrating the motion controller is holding the original controller on the other hand!! I’m sure they will bind the controls such that you will only need to use one side of the controller, but I still don’t like the fact that I have to hold both controllers at the same time… I guess the motion controller has too little buttons on it =S.
“The features we’ve newly added were planned out at the start of RE5 development. We looked at the game flow and volume of the package and figured it’d be a smoother experience if they were taken out. Once RE5 came out, though, we got a lot of people saying they wanted to play as Jill; you could really feel the love for her.”
- Jun Takeuchi, Director via 1UP
Other than the motion controller support, Capcom will also include a brand new campaign into the Alternative Edition. This campaign will be presented as a flashback, to the time when Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were infiltrating Ozwell E. Spencer’s mansion. You guys should remember that short cut-scene about the infiltration in your current RE5 game. This additional campaign is not to be taken lightly though, as it will provide 2 hours worth of gameplay time, and around 1 hour+ for people who are familiar with the missions. There will be more contents in the final version of this re-release, but for now only these 2 features had been confirmed. Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition will be released in Japan during Spring 2010, the same period as the release of the PS3 motion controller. And you know what else is released in Spring 2010? This is.
Source(s): 1UP

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