Bakemonogatari Outsells K-ON!?
Bakemonogatari’s first week sales somehow managed to outsell moe-blob series K-On with 44,000 sales in total between DVD and Blu-ray. This is quite a surprise since generally only mecha, harem moe, and pokemon ever seem to have decent dvd sales.
Bakemonogatari is a supernatural series about a boy name Araragi who survives a vampire attack and somehow comes in contact with people (all girls of course) that have some serious supernatural issues and curses. Araragi is a good kid, so he tries to help them even if they are attempting to staple his face or kill him in the process. It is made by the same people as Sayanara Zetsubou Sensei and Maria+Holic so it shares a similar style of animation and plot progression (in other words its very confusing and random at times.)
Though the series has finished it’s TV run, the last three episodes will be released streaming online. Hopefully after such good sales they’ll go back and touch up all the episodes they forgot to actually animate.
Source: SankakuComplex
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Sales were fueled by rampant fanboy obsession of Senjougahara. (’~')!
Senjougahara fascination.
Hmmmm… maybe I regret giving this series a miss. >_>
I never understood why people like Senjougahara xD
As a girl I have categorized her in the “Annoying *itch” category of no return.