New Gundam 00 Quanta in Gundam 00 Movie!
With the Gundam 00 movie still in production, we get a sneak peak at Setsuna’s new mobile suit: Gundam 00 Quanta. The 3 other Gundam Meisters are getting their own new mobile suit as well which should not stray too far from the current design (judging from Quanta).
Anyways, Cosmic-Era went to the Gundam Big Expo back in August, and translated some information about the new mobile suits. Here it is:
- 00 Quanta, Setsuna’s unit. Exia’s lineage. It has binders and shield on its left shoulder, as well as numerous Funnels (informal name).
- Gundam Harut, Allelujah’s unit. Harut and Marut are two angels mentioned in the Qur’an. The Gundam has a visor like the Astraea and the GN Archer. It can transform.
- Gundam Zabaniya, Lyle’s unit. The Zabaaniyah are the guardians of Hell in the Qur’an. Looks like a close-combat unit. It has a slim torso and big legs like the Virtue. It carries a “GN Armor lite” on its back. Main weapon : Double hand gun.
- Gundam Raphael, Tieria’s unit. See the Archangel Raphael. It has wired cannons in its fingers (like the Belphegor Gundam) and 4 cannons on its shoulders.
“New GN Drives” were also mentioned.
“It has binders and shield on its left shoulder”
Ah that explains the bulkiness of its left arm XD. So far, there was only that short teaser message which was shown at the end of season 2’s final episode. Lets hope a trailer of some sort will be released soon but for now, DON’T TRUST ANY VIDEO ON YOUTUBE WITH THE TITLE: “Gundam 00 Movie Trailer”!!
Source(s): AniMatsuri | Cosmic-Era

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This reminds me that I STILL haven’t watched the last episode…
It was like the 2nd season kept building up for awesomeness till they introduced super naked psychic powers and I just couldn’t bring myself to watch anymore. My Lockon died anyways~ So I don’t care too much xD
Cool new design of Setsuna new gundam..00 Quanta,it like Exia+00 Gundam
I wonder if it had twin-drive systems like 00 Gundam have
The funnels…could it be 00 Quanta will be equipped with Shield Bits system or GN Fang like systems?
It seems Lyle unit won’t have using long-range rilfe anymore,insted using two handgun as primary weapon
Can’t wait to watch the movie in 2010 ^_^
Wow…New GN drives? How much more physics defying can they get? (For god’s sake they don’t even seem to display ANY form of propulsion)
Yeah it’s a bummer that he died, but the series is still awesome! You should really continue watching it =).
Hmm I don’t think it will be shield bits. Maybe just a big shield attached to his left shoulder as you can see the bulkiness.
For Lyle’s new mobile suit, I will be really disappointed if they took away his long range weapon. I mean, his suit will be as good as shit without that =(.
Haha.. Lets exceed Tans-Am mode and go into something more!! XD
Man, not sure if anyone else remembers or knows what I’m talking about, but in one of the later episodes I think (2nd season) all the Gundam pilots said a person that loved or whatever. Then it was Tieria’s and Setsuna’s turn and they said “Veda” and “Gundam”. My friends and I were rofling after that.
Anyways, I’m looking forward to the movie!
Oh God… The second season was horrible. They tried to make it as OP as Turn A… but nah B… Turn A is pro, 00 is just… I mean, Strike Freedom was overpowered… but that thing was ridiculous in all sorts of manner. If you like Gundam, you’ll like Season 1, Season 2 should just be ignored… a lot like Deathnote Season 2.
Nonetheless I will watch the movie, and keep hoping for the ultimate gundam crossover movie. If they ever made a Gundam vs. Gundam movie… *goes back to playing PSP game*
Can’t Wait for Next Plus!
LOL. I remember that part!!! I smirked when Tieria said Veda, but I too laughed when Setsuna said “Gundam” XD. It’s funny, but at the same time it is SO him =P.
Season 2 was ok, though I too prefer season 1 because it leaves a stronger impact in me. The movie is going to be a sequel to the series, so I don’t see a reason why any 00 fans should miss it =).
is it true that the new quanta have 1 GN Drive in burst mode?
fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….fuck the gundam….$uck
[quote=”kyo_9″]Gundam Harut, Harut and Marut are two angels mentioned in the Qur’an
Gundam Zabaniya, The Zabaaniyah are the guardians of Hell in the Qur’an.[/quote]
Please dont simply take any names from Qur’an or something about Islamic. It can raise up our anger!!!!
Islam never done something like this to you because we respect other religion.
Even we’re Islamic forbidden to use their names for any purposes except for learning and to give a child a name.
Soon people around the world will start to boycott your products because we’re start to published this website and your information about naming your gundams throughout all existing forums, email, websites, etc…..where actually I know this issue from one of our local forum.
If you want people to respect you, please respect other religion too!!!
Strictly please change the names….
Yes please change the names… respect other religion… so you have my respect… if not fuck to you strictly go to hell to all of people that involve with this matters… boycotte is on the move…