Articles in the Diary/Sitely Category
Diary/Sitely »

Just like every Singaporean knows, May’n is coming to Singapore to perform live. It’s her first Live Performance outside of Japan. Big event and highlight for AFA08, definitely. Still I prefer my Nana-chan XD
When the VIP Passes went on sale on 1st November 2008, I wasn’t the least interested to waste my 100 bucks on a concert that I wasn’t interested. Yeah well the part where she’ll be performing live and also her first live performance was something appealing, yet, I resisted :D.
I did hear about people starting to hear …
Diary/Sitely »

So I finally decided to stop being lazy, and I done the blogroll page already, with banners and description!^^. I also did some banners so you guys who use blogroll pages and put pictures to link us, can use them. Of course please note to save the banners to your own image hosting source because we’re hot-linked protected!
(View full image for proper resolution)
How do you get me to put your blog on our blogroll page? Simple, just link us, and we’ll do the rest. Of course commenting here would be …
Diary/Sitely »

My attempt to blacklist a certain IP address from commenting has resulted in 120 plus comments disappearing. Lol. I am seriously in despair. Please forgive me. T_T.
The site has certain comments made by this faggot who is certainly a retard because his comments doesn’t make sense, and his name posted is not really vulgar just that he seems to be mocking me/us/zotaku. So in the attempt to blacklist that faggot ip, I accidentally “erased” a certain number of comments to those who previously commented. Sorry guys T_T.
And to that spammer, …
Diary/Sitely »

I wonder whether anyone has this problem. Due to limited stocks, we’re only limited to certain items that we want – possibly Japan are hoarding all the stocks there and only a few do make it out to the supplier or online shop sites like Hobby Search. When the Stock Market crashed just recently, we were greatly affected. How so? As you all know, I’m from Singapore and the economy of Singapore is strongpathetic. The exchange rate was horrible to the extent that my shipment for online purchases ended up …
Diary/Sitely »

Oh yeah my first monthly stats review/report XD!!
Things are looking good after viewing the stats. We started writing end of August 2008 and hits rose quickly. Notice the jump in the number of visits from 1 September to 2 September? ^^ We(bluesnow and me) try to write on a daily basis. Of course I deal with the figurine preorders updates/releases and stuff, while she writes her anime reviews =). Of course I have some very good news to announce too x).
We have evolved from the age of writing anime episodes …
Diary/Sitely »

Heroes Season 3 finally aired few days back. Have you been watching Heroes? Or are you one of those people who refused to watch Heroes because it is too X-Men type?
Was waiting eagerly for Heroes to air last week. Finally got a chance to watch, but I was darn confused while watching. Was it because that Season 2 sucke(Writer’s Strike) that caused the story to be questionable? I mean the writers did a review of the storyline so when they came back they made adjustments to the storyline ><.
And yes …
Diary/Sitely »

Just like how Danny has blurbies on his site, I decided to integrate twitters into zotaku. It is like a personal update to our life, without using the site. Hell way are we going to post that we are sick on the site itself! ^^ So came the twitters.. Do check it out at times, I update my twitters at least once a day. If I have the mood I’ll update more XD (Hint to bluesnow to update more =P) You can read through the past twitters by clicking the …
Diary/Sitely »

I finally installed Firefox 3 on my computer. Back then when FF prompted me to get the latest version – which I did, but there was a problem while upgrading so I procrastinated until recently when my computer went to the hospital. I’m sure everyone heard of Google Chrome – I didn’t install because you can’t open many tabs in the browser, it consumes memory. Until Google comes up with lower memory usage, I’m sticking with Firefox XD.
While Chrome saves thumbnails of your top visited sites – which is a …
Diary/Sitely »

After a long absence from the net. I missed plenty! I have tons of anime episodes to catch up on, including my US Drama Shows(Yes I watch them too.) And there goes my backlogged anime reviews which I have to complete as soon as I spare the time =/ Computer broke down for the past 2 days, sent for repair and they didn’t call me, so I called today and they informed me that the system is fine, I can collect. Yes, so I did and that is why I …