Articles in the Diary/Sitely Category
Diary/Sitely »

Back then I wrote an article of my personal guide to online shopping of figurines/merchandises, etc. The guide may be of use to fellow Asians only, for shipping is expensive for the US people I know XD. I saw this on DC a day ago. I was shocked by what I saw. The box is horribly crushed beyond my imagination >.<
Do you receive such parcels for your shipment? I always use EMS because I do not like to wait, nor do I want to keep thinking where the heck my …
Diary/Sitely »

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have a number of posts in line now, but I was busy the entire day altering changes to the layout XD. Yeah well the changes might be minor, and you may even say “so what?”, but the change is done so that viewers can have easier viewing and this is all so to make the entire site more pleasing to the eye. Overall I am very happy with that layout/changes. Weee!!
Can you spot the change? Lol.
Twitters are now located at the right sidebar. …
Diary/Sitely »
After Seeing Zenical’s Bag post I decided to make my ownXD
Besides the gold fish this is my typical bagXD~ I have to carry around alot of junk because some days I spend 14+ hours away from home at campus for classes.
512 mb flash drive (With VLC player and first episode of Seto No Hanayome on it for some reason…).
Crappy Nokia phone (which isn’t charged)
Book (Atlas Shrugged currently… my bag is pretty big to hold 1000+ page bookXD)
Final Fantasy III DS… Its actually Meteos in the caseO.o
Red DS… Its actually Final …
Diary/Sitely »

I finally decided to take a shot of my bag contents. I believed many members has been posting about their bag contents over at dannychoo ^_^” Slow me! XD. Either way, this is what my bag normally contains. I didn’t include my bag because time to time I change my bags depending on the occasion. If it’s a barbeque, I’ll carry a pouch. If it’s a normal outing for me, I’ll bring along my baggy =)
From top row, left to right:
PSP Slim, bought it earlier this July. Traded off my …
Diary/Sitely »

I get my stuff from online sites at times, if not I head down to my local preorder store, KKnM to preorder figurines ^^. Well this is just a rough guide and my personal opinions of the various websites I purchase from.
Note: This guide is more reliable for the people located around the Asia Region, US shipping rates differ!
Normally, I only purchase items from sites recommended by friends.
Few sites I personally recommend ^^. Haven’t tried Amazon JP or HLJ, but hoping to do so one day, when I have items …
Diary/Sitely »

Was just looking at the stuff I preordered, and suddenly occured to me how many figurines I actually own? Below graph shows. Figma is overpowering at 50% while nendoroid comprises of 21%!
I put Revoltech and Figma together in a category since both are geared towards the “action figure” type. And I can’t help but admit that I have a softness for Figma. They’re fun and portable! As to nendoroids, my first buy was the Wonderfest Konata and Kagami cosplay as Fate/Stay Night. It cost me a whopping 127 SGD but …
Diary/Sitely »
Diary/Sitely »

I have too many magazines. Started collecting Newtype (probably because Kinokuniya always had them) Somehow I always miss the stocking dates of the magazines. Soon came Animedia, because I realised there were tons of goodies in them at times! Later on, I was Nanoha-Mad, so came Megami. Megami tends to be for guys, due to the images inside!
But that didn’t stop me from buying/supporting Megami because they had Nanoha Content featured inside xD
Sometimes the goodies inside tend to make me not want to open the magazine. In fact I have …
Diary/Sitely »

Despite everyone rushing off for a iphone, I got a new phone some weeks back, on 5 August 2008. Yes I was waiting for the iphone too, but when I read of news that it melts/has cracks, I gave up on the idea of obtaining one. Futhermore, Singapore wasn’t releasing the news of the date of arrival of the iphone.
I went ahead and bought the HTC Diamond.
At least I didn’t need to queue for my new phone. LOL.