Articles in the Diary/Sitely Category
Diary/Sitely »

Being a human being.. we will definitely love something/someone/stuff etc. So.. I was just wondering recently, my loves. And well what I am referring to here is – the people I love <3 – singers, simply put. Lol. Yes I also love anime series(Nanoha series hurhur)
They are not ranked in any particular order I post, so please do not scream at me if you think I love Nana more than YUI or whatsoever, because I love ALL OF THEM. XD.
First up,
HOCCHAN – Yui Horie
Hocchan is known for her seiyuu roles …
Diary/Sitely »

Picking up from our “busy” status, we are back to blogging. And our hits have definitely shown an improvement! ^^.
We served 1,546 page views to an average of 661 unique daily users. In addition, the total monthly unique users for May 2009 reached 20,516!
Popular posts for this month are: Nanoha 4th Series In Manga, Haruhi: New Episode Rumors… again *Confirmed, Horo Hand Puppet, Square Enix Promises to Spread World Happiness.
View April 2009 Stats here.
Diary/Sitely »

Bluesnow pointed this out to me a few days ago. Gundam legs!
Work has started on the “life-sized” Gundam. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the mecha anime/manga/toy/video game franchise, an 18-meter-tall (59-foot-tall) Gundam statue will be erected in Tokyo this July.
If only such events were held around the world, well.. Gundam is quite famous everywhere. Even anime fans here in Singapore who do not really support anime (tsk) do know of the mighty Gundams XD.
The only memorable gundam model I saw was a human-sized Gundam Exia in Singapore last year(excluding …
Diary/Sitely »

Hohohoho~I wonder if the all powerful Zenical will be mad that I’m publishing this post. But I know she can’t say no to Lulz frog.
I was abducted by aliens busy with Uni and finals the last few months. But summer vacation begins today… in other words I will be marathoning anime and blogging anime-ish news frequently over the next few months assuming the American economy doesn’t collapse to the extent that poor college students like me are sold into slavery to work in the secret under ground kyrptonite mines where …
Diary/Sitely »

April 2009, zotaku is back in business. So we got an increase in the number of unique users ^^.
We served 1,020 to an average of 483 unique daily users. We reached a total amount of 14,497 monthly unique users for April 2009. An improvement! =)
This month popular posts are: Massive Haul in 2 Days, I am Going to Japan!, What are You Watching this Spring 2009?, 1/8 World is Mine Miku Hatsune.
View March 2009 Stats here.
Diary/Sitely »

I had my first Japanese Drink around 1 year ago, but I didn’t realized that until a few weeks back. LOL.
Presenting Calpis Soda! It’s currently my fave drink that I have at least a huge bottle in my storeroom, and a small bottle just in case it becomes sold out at the Yamakawa Super(they sell mainly Japanese Snacks, goodies etc) here ><
So what is Calpis?
Quoted from Wikipedia:
Calpis (カルピス ,Karupisu) is a Japanese uncarbonated soft drink, manufactured by Calpis Co., Ltd. (カルピス株式会社 ,Karupisu Kabushiki-gaisha) , headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo. The beverage …
Diary/Sitely »

I will be visiting Japan next month ^_^. It will be sort of my first time overseas by PLANE. Yes I sound pathetic; Since I was schooling, I didn’t have time to fly to other countries for holidays. I had extra curricular activities commitments. So this time round, it will be a pretty exciting trip for me! ^_^
I will be following a tour with my mother, so meh, the trip will be pretty short and all, but still, this is a trip sponsored by my parents, so why not? =D
I …
Diary/Sitely »

About 2 weeks back, Play-Asia held another sales to clear their stocks. Along with this sales, they had a gimmick, to have a Lucky Draw who those who purchase from PA within this time period.
I saw some stuff that caught my eye. What are them? I’m not saying until I get my copies over -_-.
Okay from the pictures below, I think you can guess what they are. =/. Yes, but they also had spare scratches T_T
Email-ed Play-Asia, and thankfully after seeing my pictures of proof/evidence, they have agreed to send …