Articles tagged with: PC
Japan »

I have been reading up on the launch of Windows 7, and I seen a certain Live TV show in Japan, showing the demo of the Windows 7, only to have some glitch problems. Initially I thought this was nothing much, perhaps the guy just didn’t know how to use it XD. Apparently, at the recent Akihabara Windows 7 launch event, Microsoft Japan’s CEO Yasuyuki Higuchi was having some difficulty using the new Windows 7 with the touchpanel >_<.
I’m no computer expert, but apparently the touchpanel is giving the new …
Game »

The release of Modern Warfare 2 for all platforms are just around the corner (November 10, 2009), and Infinity Ward wants to make sure that PC gamers will be ready for it when it is finally out. They have released the minimum system requirement specs and here it is.
Minimum System Requirement
OS: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor or better supported
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT or better or ATI Radeon …
Game »
Japan »

In my previous post, I presented you the Windows 7 Whopper at BK Japan. While we can’t figure out how customers were going to be able to take a bite out of it, our questions have been answered by CheapAssGamer! He took a voyage down to Akihabara Burger King to try out the Windows 7 Whopper.
The beef patties looks fattening. Wait they are! I will never ever purchase it because I know I can’t finish it at all. Too many beef patties ><.
Japan »

Feeling hungry? Then be sure to try out this new Windows 7 Whopper at Burger King Japan! Microsoft has taken a unique step here to promote Windows 7 in Japan.
Fitting in with the software theme, the burger stacks seven patties in an otherwise normal Whopper and measures 5.1 inches tall. It also has an appropriate 777 yen price.
Looks like Microsoft has forgotten that Nana Mizuki voiced the Japanese Mascot for Windows 7. They should just mention “Nana Mizuki” in their advertisement and I’m sure any fan of Nana will rush …
The Lootings »

Well I certainly didn’t expect to write a loot post this soon ever since my last one. Anyways, my loot post for October will be on my: BenQ E2200HD LCD monitor! =D
I had lots of problems with the new monitor at the beginning though. The contrast was too high no matter how I change it, so the bright parts were too glaring. Then, I tried to lower the brightness, which helps for the brighter parts, but for the darker parts it became too dark.
My brother and my dad helping out …
Game »

Oh my… Never in my wildest dream will I be expecting the PC to get such an exclusive treatment. The Final Fantasy XIV beta will be available only for the PC.
Hiromichi Tanaka, director of FFXIV, told Game Watch that 10, 000 lucky people will be able to participate in the closed beta before it is open to public. No other details have been released about the beta, but you can expect it to come around Summer 2010 =).
Seriously, I have never seen the PC getting such exclusive content for such …