Articles tagged with: Shana
Merchandises »

One year is going to be gone just like that. Time passes real quick >.<. Well the time has come for Calendars Purchases! Well I purchased one last year, Gundam Seed Destiny 2008! XD. And.. Sad to say I have not opened it yet as of today (And to think that 2008 is coming to an end?!)
You can expect the normal releases of Naruto and Bleach for the Calendars 2009. Also what caught my eye was the Shakugan no Shana II, Soul Eater, Gundam 00. Also don’t miss out Itazura …
Figurine »

Finally did an outdoor shoot for my 1/8 Scale of Shana by Max Factory. She was sold out when she was released ^_^”” and I couldn’t find any other stores selling her. Just then, Hobby Search has been an angel to me. She was restocked! I managed to secure her and got her within one week. I didn’t open my Shana until today.. Also, this post is to help Q, because he seems to be having a problem with his Shana. And well, both of us got the figurine almost …
The Lootings »

The postman kept coming to my house this week! Shana Max Factory was delivered today ^^. My first Shana Figurine has arrived!
Total here is around 230 SGD, approximately. Many thanks to my friend J.D for sponsoring, I mean selling the figurines to me(specially that Miku Hatsune Nendoroid!) Wuhahaha! I managed to grab the last Shana Max Factory figurine at Hobby Search. Yes very glad I got her since I missed the preorder for her last year! T_T.
Will be doing a Figma Fate review soon. Stay tuned! ^^
Figurine »

Just got these from my friend, who had ordered the whole box of Shakugan no Shana II Figumate (10 pieces in total!) Bought the extras from him. You could call them my first Shana Figurine Collection ^^. I don’t have a Shana Figurine at all! Seriously.
The thing is.. it was supposed to have 8 as a set. But the confident me told him that one box would have everything. I was wrong -_-. So I bought the extras from him, since I don’t mind buying ^^.
Nevertheless, the money wasn’t wasted …
Merchandises »

Packed my room 2 weeks back, I had this much stuff, yet I don’t bother to use at all! Furthermore, I had another shipment in this week, and it is a Shana Cushion Cover.
Should really stop spending so much, figurines are already burning a hole in my pocket >.<
Wonder how many of you out there spend so much on Figurines AND Merchandises?