Nodame Cantabile: Paris Sequel’s Promotional Video

Good news for all Nodame fans! The official Japanese website for the anime adaptation of Tomoko Ninomiya’s Nodame Cantabile manga has begun streaming a promotional video for the upcoming Nodame Cantabile: Paris series.

Nodame Cantabile: Paris

The promo video can be found here, and do look out for the anime series which will premiere on the October 9.

On your watchlist for this fall? =)

Source: ANN

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  • bluesnow (Author) said:

    Yeah its on my list~
    It in my top 5 anime this season I’m looking forward to lol… And two of them are ova’s… so really in the top 3 XD

    For those of you that want to watch the streaming Vid on the site and are having trouble finding it~ its one of the right links~ Go down the list till you get to the second New<3~
    It says “Special” in JapaneseXD


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