Cheap Japanese Beauty Products uses Brute Force

I think many of us out there wants to look fabulous. But in order to maintain your beauty, one needs to spend money on spa, facials, etc. But why go the extend of spending thousands of dollars when you can spend below $10 and use the products everyday for full effectiveness?

Cheap Beauty Products uses Brute Force

Kogao Meiku Beruto (small face make belt) helps to shape your face and lastly, it forces those caveman foreheads into oblivion. The downside is that you need to wear it everyday for 3 minutes in order for it to be effective.

Cheap Japanese Beauty Products uses Brute Force

On other hand, the Tex Mex men’s mouth narrower just confuses me. Do guys need stuff like that? Lol.

See, cheap and you can consider using those products instead of signing up at those beauty centres XD.

Source: Gizmodo

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