Plants vs. Zombies!


The only reason I decided to play this game was because someone sent me a link to cute song on youtube.

I decided to play the free trial here to see what the game was about. It ended up being the best game I’ve played in a long time. The game features the epic battle between the cute flowers in your yard versus the evil hoards of zombies coming to kill you in your sleep. Its a strategy game for the most part. You start each game with “sun power” and you need to build up more sun power to build your army of plants. To do that you need to plant a bunch of cute sunflowers which absorb solar power and give you more resources. You start off with just little sprouts that shoot seeds at the enemies, but as the game goes on you can grow things like exploding cherry bombs, piranha plants, and spore spewing mushrooms that all have unique abilities to combat the equally unique zombies.


This game is not only cute and colorful, but there was a decent amount of strategy involved. You have to manage your sun power wisely between making more sunflowers, attacking units, or Potato units (which act as shields for the zombies to eat before they get to you.) As the battle progresses it becomes a pretty awesome sight to see your huge flowery army shooting millions of missile seeds at the enemy. It was a pretty addicting game, and if you have some free time I highly recommend you at least try out the free trial ^.^

Zombie BRAINS!

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