Top 10 Ways to Spot an Otaku

What makes you an otaku? A survey of over 4,000 Japanese reveals just how easy it is thought to be to spot a (male) otaku from how he dresses…Oh and the site of this blog is “Zotaku”, did you know it stands for Zone Otaku? ^^”

Top 10 Ways to Spot an Otaku

There are many types of otaku: anime otaku, cosplay otaku, manga otaku, game otaku, wota(Idol Otaku!!).

Here are the top 10 ways you can identify an otaku as voted on Japan’s Goo Ranking:

  1. He has an anime T-shirt
  2. He has an anime shopping bag
  3. He has a waist pouch (”fanny pack” / “bum bag”)
  4. He wears a bandanna (hachimaki)
  5. His bag is covered in anime badges
  6. His hair is excessively long
  7. He wears his rucksack over both shoulders
  8. He has big, thick glasses
  9. He tucks his shirt/T-shirt into his trousers
  10. He wears chemical wash jeans

I agree with a few of the points (seeing that I do see them here in Singapore.. LOL). How about you? Do you perform any of the 10 points above?

Maybe I should post on my views on “how to spot a female otaku”(seeing that I am a female.. :P) Haha.

Source: Sankaku Complex via Kotaku

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  • phossil said:

    I dont see how having hair excessively long makes you an otaku. Maybe having the hair in certain style. ;)

  • Kodomut said:

    Damn, I am not otaku enough!
    I was expecting camera throtting to make it up that list though.

  • Optic said:

    “He tucks his shirt/T-shirt into his trousers”

    This is common in the UK and besides, it’s compulsory to do it at skool here.

  • MorpheusDreamweaver said:

    Ok, 1, 3 & 5 are dead giveaways. But the rest of them seem a bit bizarre to me.

    Long hair = otaku?

    People actually wear/use waist pouches / fanny packs?

    Nice to learn something new, I guess. :)

  • Mr. Black said:

    1. Dont own anime clothing
    2. Dont own *any* shopping bags
    3. Dont own a fanny pack… or anything gay
    4. Dont own a bandana
    5. Dont have anything on my bag
    6. I’m black. I keep hair short to avoid people asking to touch my “fro”
    7. Rucksack? Guess not…
    8. Dont have bad eyes
    9. Its only mature to tuck in (shirt) shirts, whereas t-shirts are not.
    10. Chemical wash jeans look gay. Don’t own.

    Wow. Seems… I’m not an otaku whatsoever. Ok.

  • Q said:

    Okay a lot of those are kinda stereotypical. Some dangerous tale-tale signs mentioned from another blogger in Hong Kong:

    7 - rucksacks and bags are good taletale signs, especially those who wear them tight to their back like schoolbags - I use one too so I suffer from the problem, but I mostly avoid having it worn like a schoolbag whenever possible.

    Other symptons include wearing old clothes (i.e. several years old and are getting worn out), trousers that are getting short, strange colour combinations, oversized clothes, and even square shirts! Sounds like common sense to avoid them but it’s likely that one may appear like so, and such attires can cause people to have prejudice against you, sadly to say.

  • foomafoo said:

    these are just typecasts and stereotypes. It would be rude to generalize the otaku community just by using these as a criteria, don’t you agree?

  • Donyea said:

    I say yes to 1, 5, 6,7,8. I still agree this are dangerous stereotypes. I mean come on I know people that none of these fit on too and yet still i would say they are an otaku

  • GNdynames said:

    “He wears his rucksack over both shoulders”

    I’m sorry but my 20 pound physics text doesn’t give me a whole lot of options.

    “He wears chemical wash jeans”

    All I’ve got are jeans…Ok that’s my fault I admit it.

    I’m only guilty of those two. My hair will only get long if I’m forced to stay at school and unable to go home to get it cut (it’s getting to optimum length now but it will get long when christmas arrives). My glasses are…normal…I don’t like the thick frame ones.

  • atmchino said:

    these stereotypes are as it says, for males and taken from a japanese perspective. i’ve seen plenty examples of what would be called “otaku” in Japanese videos so it actually makes perfect sense seeing what was on that list.

    but it’s from a survey of 4,000 Japanese, not non-japanese. so from my perspective, i’d say the long hair makes the most sense (though it’s not the idea intrinsically, but understanding what is meant that molds the Otaku image). wearing a backpack with both straps is universal, it can look extremely geeky/otakuish or it can look normal. it really depends on how you look and your swagger.

  • bluesnow (Author) said:

    I only match one… but I’ve never actually wore it… so no one would know xD
    Then again these impressions are only about male otaku anyways.

  • Donyea said:

    Upon further inspection my frame are cheap thin metal frames.

  • Ferolare said:

    I guess I’m not an otaku by appearance based on that. xD

  • zenical (Author) said:

    @ phossil: It’s really just a way to “spot” an otaku. Otakus in Japan are known to have long hair.. that’s why.. Lol.

    @ Kodomut: Maybe we should do up a list of “Top 10 ways to spot an Otaku-SG!” Haha. The camera will definitely make it to the list.

    @ Optic: I have a feeling that they are excluding students and stuff… Otakus in Japan generally do “tuck-in” their shirts lol

    @ MorpheusDreamweaver: Well that is in Japan, don’t think its common from where you’re from?

    @ Mr.Black: It’s not whether you are an otaku, it’s whether you “look” like one when you’re outside. On the inside you are one, but looks like on the outside, you look normal (Isn’t that good? :D)

    @ Q: Yeah they are just stereotypes to “spot” an otaku. Otaku in general do not really care about appearance.. (looking from SG here.. >_>)

    @ foomafoo: It depends whether you want to be called an otaku. There are folks who do not mind being called an otaku. In addition, this is just 10 ways to SPOT an otaku. Do take note this is not the top 10 ways that make you an otaku!

    @ Donyea: This is 10 ways to spot an otaku, not 10 ways that you are an otaku. Lol.

    @ GNdynames: Well you are a student, and it’s not your fault for carrying a backpack. Lol. I think that certain point is pointing to Otakus in general, carrying backpacks in their normal clothes.

    @ atmchino: yeah they are from the Japanese perspective. I think an Asian-Otaku would be somewhere along the Japanese Perspective of an Otaku - since we are all Asians. American-Otaku might be different on the other hand ^^”

    @ bluesnow: It’s SPOT. Anyway I CAN SPOT YOU AS AN OTAKU :D

    @ Ferolare: But you are an otaku, yes you are ;) I know you are! Haha.

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