Lufia II on Nintendo DS

Lufia II Port for the DS

One of my favorite RPG games ever, Lufia II Rise of the Sinistrals, is getting ported to the Nintendo DS it seems. This game was originally released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo. It has game play elements similar to Final Fantasy, Zelda, and even pokemon. I have recently replayed the game and it remains as one of the most challenging RPGs I’ve ever played, mainly because the dungeon puzzles are nearly impossible. I remember when I was younger, before the rise of the internet, my older brother racked up quite a phone bill calling the Nintendo Tip line for help. Besides the entertaining gameplay, it had a decent story and interesting characters. Probably the most memorable element of the game was the epic boss music though.

The only thing I’m a little puzzled about is certain changes in the new version. The new title is “Esptolis: The Lands Cursed by the Gods,” (After further research I’ve discovered the original Japanese title was Esptolis Denki II) and Maxim, the male protagonist has undergone an extreme makeover.

Lufia II

Maxim was pretty bad ass in the game, but far from a punk. I wonder if they will be changing the look of his sprite as well, since he clearly doesn’t have spiky hair or a leather jacket in the game! Here is a picture of Selena, the main female character’s before and after picture as well.


An interview by Famitsu has revealed:

- Square-Enix requested the game
- dev team says it’s not a port or direct remake
- different world from the SNES version
- expect to use the dpad more than the stylus
- tough, but not too tough bosses
- ‘growth of the RPG’
- scenario is based on Lufia II, will have lines that are the same as Lufia II, but overall the game is being rewritten
- town number differs from first and second game
- returning music from first and second game
- improved sound quality
- once again, original staff reconfirmed
- retaining “xxx of Magic” and “Magical xxx”

It sounds more like an alternate dimension of the same game? I guess thats how they will explain Maxim looking different. The only thing that worries me is that it sounds like the bosses’ difficulty levels may be toned down. The bosses had a habit of being very challenging, but that was one of the best parts of the game! The game will also have some 3-D elements and voice acting. The Japanese release of this game will be Februrary 25! Hopefully this game makes it to the states.


After Lufia, if they make a Secret of Mana and Earthbound port I can die happy.

Sources: Go Nintendo , Kotaku, Aussie-Nintendo

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  • Donyea said:

    YESSSSSSSSSS. I can not wait xD

  • atmchino said:

    that’s natural. why not change a character’s looks? i highly doubt it’d be easy to market a game with 90s fashion-drawing. not to mention, i think artists in these industries usually change as well.

    i do like the music tho.

  • bluesnow (Author) said:

    ^ I’m ok with changing the character design xD
    But the clothes for maxim confuses me. His girlfriend at the beginning of the game is a normal country girl… the kinda girl who you know her only dream is to get married and have kids and make nice food for him xD~ It bothers her that he is a monster hunter… so I’m finding it very hard to believe she’d go out with a guy dressed like a punk. Selena has a little bit more room though for creativity though… since she was clearly a tomboy.

    I’m curious how they will make Guy look like.
    He’s clearly has the strongest physical attack in the game… and I think he’s the only one that can equip axes… so I imagine he must be a big guy. But his sprite is so cute looking… so I just liked to imagine he was a little cute guy with a big weapon. xD

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