Articles in the Diary/Sitely Category
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Once again the stats for November 2009! November was quite a busy month for us writers since we had to be tourguides for a couple of days, following which, AFA09 took up our entire weekends. Once again the stats for November 2009! November was quite a busy month for us writers since we had to be tourguides for a couple of days
Diary/Sitely »
Diary/Sitely »

As many of you remembered, it was my birthday last week.. I wanted to blog about what I did during that week, but I just got too busy and tired that I kept procrastinating! XD So here is my late post of what happened last week ^^.
Yes here is my birthday cake. Er blueberry cheesecake? XD. I didn’t actually display it nicely for a shot since I cut my cake early in the morning(I had lessons from 8.30am till 3pm T_T. How sad is that?!)
As part of the Chinese tradition …
Diary/Sitely »

Its been quite some time since I have posted, for many reasons, mostly having to do with school and money. If I had to summarize my past month in an image, it would probably be something like this:
I somehow managed to survive the Apocalypse though! (With only a slight cold), so I figured I’m make a blitzkrieg-post about all the Otaku-ish things I’ve done in the past month while I still have a chance.
1. Fall Anime!
I’m Watching them! And to be completely honest… this feels like the worst season for …
Diary/Sitely »

Stats for October is late, since I was busy this week with my Birthday and school. I expected views to drop since I am currently very busy with work and the number of posts posted up have decreased, but I am happy to find out that the stats are going great still :)
We served 6706 page views to an average of 2590 unique daily users. And it looks like the stats are increasing every month! We have a total of 80,313 unique users for October.
Readerships have definitely increased, page views …
Diary/Sitely »

To be completely honest… I have no idea what this is, but I believe it originated as a vocaloid song. The contents of the song consist of someone trying to force some Mysterious green vegetable drink on some innocent customer while doing a random dance and singing “Popipopipopipo.” Personally… I think their “dance” reminds me of some of those stupid exercise tapes from the 90’s o___o Which would probably match with the song since its some sort of health drink I believe. The Touhou one specifically makes it look like …
Diary/Sitely »

I have been using this application non-stop for around 2 or 3 weeks and it is one of the most-used application on my iPhone. It is no surprise that this is currently the top free paid application.
Ping! is like the Blackberry messenger, whereby it allows free message sending between iPhone or iTouch users. Zenical and me managed to get it when it was free for a couple of days, but now it is a paid application costing $0.99. For those of you who always exceed your monthly SMS limit like …
Diary/Sitely »

After alot of thought I decided that the random Anime Meme I would cover this week would be more obscure the Caramelldansen. Kurutto, Mawatte, Ikkaiten is actually the 9th ending of the Anime Series Keroro Gunsou Which you can see below.
Because it is innately awesome there is a flood of fan made adaptions for other anime; at this point I run into this meme more than Caramelldansen even, though I rarely hear people talk about it. Not much of a complicated backstory on this one, so here are some more …
Diary/Sitely »

Time for our monthly update of stats! September 2009 was an extremely busy month as my schoolwork is starting to pile up, and my US Serials are starting.. so I was balancing with anime, drama shows, blogging and studying. LOL. Exhausting indeed. Regardless, we still have the team of zotaku to keep the place updated daily, so readership increased overall! o.O
We served 6702 page views to an average of 2132 unique daily users. And it looks like September beats August too.. We have a total of 63,971 unique users for …