Articles in the Diary/Sitely Category
Diary/Sitely »

I took this shot while I was cleaning my room on Friday =3. LOL. My great wall of unopened figurines by Alter XD.
Imagine Feito and Nanoha who will be coming in the next few months ^^”. I need to solve my space problem! LOL. Speaking of space problem, I managed to fit all of the figurine boxes(as seen in the picture above) into my cupboard, excluding Reinforce. My magazines are taking wayyyy too much space.. Hmm. Hopefully I’ll get my room packed soon. I spent the entire day yesterday watching …
Diary/Sitely »

In an attempt to do a post.. I was thinking of adding my nendoroid/figma into my photos. And well, I just remembered I still have these babies that I have not opened yet T_T.
Well my total Nendoroids Count stands at 6 currently, including my latest addition Sebastian.
Earlier on Mr Optic mentioned that I don’t open my figurines, so I should just order bikini figurines since no one will know! LOL.
And behold the other “brand new” figurines.. ^^” That’s not all.. I still have a 1/7 Alter Yagami Hayate in my …
Diary/Sitely »

Just spent a load of time redoing the blogroll page. Banners have changed. Resized to 468×60px for the banner pictures. Also since I can’t get a good banner to represent some of your blogs, I have made some “changes”. Hopefully they look alright to you =P.
Linked to a couple of new blogs that I have always been reading but too lazy to comment there, or I comment but I don’t add them to the blogroll page because I’m lazy again. Haha ^^”
Anyway folks who wish to be in the blogroll …
Diary/Sitely »

I was doing the About page recently when I saw the date 4 June 2007. It has been 2 years since I started blogging! I have come a long way since then. Back then I was a complete noob, I didn’t know what was CSS about, how to upload banners, how to upload new themes for myself to use! I didn’t even know what the term “ftp” means when I first started out! And I applied for a hosted subdomain – with no blogging experience in the anime world. You …
Diary/Sitely »

Yes it’s true, we are currently working on our own mascot to represent zotaku!
And the prototype version is out. I kid you not. Done by bluesnow.. I bring you.. Mascot(I have yet to think of a proper name. Will have to wait once the final drawing is done lol)
Yes I kid you not!
Well just kidding, that was the drawing bluesnow drew based on my description lol. Here’s the blurred version. Don’t want to reveal the full version yet =P The colors for her aren’t confirmed yet. We’ll have to see …
Diary/Sitely »

Time for the monthly stats updates. June seems good.. so far =)
We served 1,637 page views to an average of 734 unique daily users. On top of that, our monthly unique users reached the peak for 2009(so far), amounting to 22,039 for June 2009!
Popular posts this month are: Shakugan no Shana Season 3, PS3 Returns in My Life, Kuroshitsuji Season 2!, 1/7 Takamachi Nanoha Exceed Mode, My 3 Loves <3, Saber Madness – Fate/unlimited codes, Summer 2009 Anime Line-up.
Shana Season 3 posts had the highest amount of comments – …
Diary/Sitely »

Been doing some minor changes to the blog layout since yesterday.
Tags are now located below, and I removed the domtab which shows “Featured” post, “Tags” and “Popular Posts”. They were kinda lagging the entire site.
I will be doing some organizing of the categories, and maybe make a new banner =3.
Also I am currently updating the About page which I have been procrastinating for ages already XD. Well hopefully this time my brain will not die before I finish that page.
Oh and I think I am getting old, that I can’t …
Diary/Sitely »

Well. I guess I haven’t written much on zotaku so I figured, “Hey, why not start now.” I wouldn’t be a frequent poster like what Zen or Bluesnow does but I’ll still try to post something every now and then.
For now, since none of the currently airing Summer Animes interest me and I’m not exactly adept in the field of finding Anime or Figurine news, I figured I’d just do Diary Posts for now. So yeah. Diary Post No. 1, let’s go.
Right.. So these are the Top 5 Anime OP(s) …
Diary/Sitely »

Just a very mild update on my dear writer Bluesnow.. Lol. We were just about to start on a combine post for zotaku when suddenly her computer started acting funny. She googled something and it only led her to spam sites o.O
Behold our msn conversation:
Bluesnow says:
For some reason… I looked up “XXXXX” on google…
and none of the links on google work O___o
They send me to add sites like the sites are down…
I feel like its a conspiricy or something
I think I have a spyware or something o.o
[zenical][mugi] …