Special A - Episode 23

I finally watched Episode 23.. Because I was so busy watching my US Dramas this week, I hardly had time for anime. Lol you must be screaming in despair having heard me - hooked on US Dramas. If I didn’t remember wrongly,  some people say that those who watch tv do not have any anime to watch. Is that true? TV Series are nice to watch too! Sometimes a little reality real life drama is good.. You can’t be watching animation 24 hours a day -_-.

Back to Special A, let’s not divert too much from the title XD.

Having read the spoilers at a certain blog(can’t remember) that explains my slowness to watch Episode 23. Because I knew what was going to happen and I already watched Episode 24 raw before Episode 23 subbed was released XD.

S.A Closed

The S.A is closed and the 7 of them are left to become a “normal” student. Although they aren’t that normal..Even seating in the class, they were sort of “special” The other classmates felt the pressure from them. Lol. Akira even brought luggages to class? XD It was really typical, like having rich kids in your class and they do lots of “extra” stuff that you and me will not do. Hmm. At this point, I believe Hikari is the only person in the S.A that comes from a normal family(not rich, but not poor too).

S.A in a normal class

The whole episode touched on how Akira, Jun and Megumi were forced to quit school due to the fact tha the Takishima group were pressuring the parents. What a way just for Kei to quit school?! Further into the episode, Ryuu explains to Hikari that he joined S.A to form bonds with Kei and Akira - for business reasons. But I believe that the existence of S.A has allowed them to become good friends, business or not. =D


Of course Kei got chided by Akira. He couldn’t be so selfish and insist on staying in Japan just to see Hikari, or be with her - for the S.A was getting broken up by his own company.Hikari needed the S.A, her friends. Kei challenged Hikari, but he wasn’t intending to win. He left for London where we are left with a very sad picture(as shown below)


That is why you don’t leave on planes with girls chasing and crying. The scene is so sad ><

Random Shots

Prince to the rescue!
Prince to the rescue!

Akira and Kei

Tadashi bringing Hikari to the airport
The Chase

I can hear Hikari crying.

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  • bluesnow (Author) said:

    Awwww~ You didn’t enough pics of the flower sceneXP

    How Kei said if he got the flower from her he’d “Take her everything” hahaha~


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