Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta

Took me some time to post this single out. It was released on 12th November 2008. XDXD This single includes the song of CLANNAD ~After Story~ OP and ED, sang by Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta & TORCH.

Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta

Tracklisting of the single as follows:

  1. Toki wo Kizamu Uta
  2. TORCH
  3. Toki wo Kizamu Uta -TV Animation Ver.-
  4. TORCH -TV Animation Ver.-
  5. Toki wo Kizamu Uta -off Vocal Ver.-
  6. TORCH -off Vocal Ver.-

Here are the first two songs to think whether it’s worth buying =P. Personally, I love the TV Size of the opening, not so much when I heard the full song.

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