Final Fantasy XIII Exclusive Xbox LIVE Item

As you all know, Final Fantasy XIII will be released in North America on March 9, 2010. And if you have a twitter account and a Xbox console, here is a piece of good news for all fans out there.

Final Fantasy XIII

Microsoft and Square Enix are giving away something FFXIII related, if you retweet something on their behalf. What is it? Something mysterious that can only be obtained via Xbox Live.

Adding to this Final Fantasy XIII-Xbox 360-Twitter synergy is next week’s dashboard update, which brings Facebook, Twitter and more to Microsoft’s console. So you can join in on the co-marketing fun from the comfort of your couch.

I have no idea what this mysterious thing is, but the PS3 fans are going to rage. Why is Square Enix doing this with Microsoft only?!

*Thanks Zenical for finishing almost the whole post for me >.<.

Source: Kotaku

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  • Reltair said:


  • RP said:

    Wh-whoa, wait a second. I didn’t know FF13 was coming out for the X360 too. Yes! I dont have to buy a PS3. =D

  • guuzen (Author) said:


    That was quick o.o hahaha. I’m sure Square Enix will have something in mind for their PS3 fans. I mean, Final Fantasy is like the flagship for the PlayStation console, so I doubt SE will only have exclusive stuff for the Xbox.


    Believe it =P. However it sparked some unhappiness on the PS3 side. I know a friend who is not so happy about it because if Square makes the game only for the PS3, then everything will be optimized for that console only. Now that the game is for Xbox360 as well, it may not be as optimized. However we can’t say for sure until the game is out for reals. =)

  • M (Author) said:

    blah. M$oft and their billions of $$ just made millions of PS3 users worldwide go bananas.

  • Donyea said:

    I still wont buy it for X-Box 360. Most RPGs on that system drive me bananas.

  • scsa20 said:

    Don’t know why you guys are going nuts over it. Honestly I think it’s a good thing because that give 360 fans honer to feel that they actually get something back after what other game companies did to them (releasing a game for the 360 only for a year or so only for the game maker to turn around and release the game on the PS3 with a lot more content).

    The only reason why most games that’s released for both the 360 and PS3 isn’t all that “optimized” (in the way you put it) is because the development kit for the PS3 is freaken insane. Besides, FFXIII is being released as an exclusive for the PS3 in Japan this coming month because they were originally planning on releasing it for the PS3 only during the planning and development stages but decided to release to the 360 so believe me, it’ll be “optimized” for both systems.

  • atmchino said:

    everyone’s complaining about lil bits of “items” and “optimization” but that doesn’t matter in the slightest if they, or any, game company does a quality check on their game. what matters is storyline and the continuance of the legacy created by final fantasy. if they can’t dole out a fantastic game, it doesn’t matter if you have a mini chocobo keychain sitting at your desk. besides, microsoft is smart to hold conditions on their console. if you’re going to license your game with a console, you should have perks (though imo the perks suck anyway). just like how soul calibur had 360, wii, and ps3 exclusive characters. and blame SE for wanting to grab more money, because that’s their true reason for switching exclusiveness. sony won’t say it because they want SE to keep feeding their profits. the 360 provides twice as many possible consumers who didn’t want to pay $400-500 for a single ps3 console (though now it’s not as bad, but ps3 console sales were hurt in the long run over the years). oh, and don’t forget the fact that SE will get even MORE money if crazy FF fans buy BOTH the ps3 and 360 consoles/games for other stupid reasons such as “exclusive” bonus’. and you know FF fans are that crazy.

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