Different Gaming Tastes Shown In TGS 09

Modern Warfare 2 is easily one of the most highly anticipated game of 2009. Everybody was talking about the action-packed snow mission during E3 2009, and all hyped about the multiplayer preview event in Los Angeles. The game is so popular, it will be released in 4 different retail versions: Standard, Hardened, Veteran, and Prestige (the one with the night vision goggles); and also getting a limited edition Xbox360 version with 250GB of hard disk space.

However, there will be one country (or more) which is not going to care about all this much, and that is Japan.

TGS ‘09 - Modern Warfare 2 area Almost Empty
The Modern Warfare 2 area in TGS ‘09

This clearly shows the different tastes that different countries have for games. I can just imagine that most of the Japanese in TGS are probably squeezing their way through the packed Final Fantasy XIII or Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker areas.

However, it is also unfair to fully blame it on the Japanese’s gaming tastes. It seems that Infinity Ward/Activision also did not make much effort to advertise Modern Warfare 2 in TGS. There is a video clip which just keeps looping throughout the day, and there are no playable booths on the show floor. If Infinity Ward/Activision were to set up their booth like how they did it for E3 or PAX, it should not be looking as empty as it is. I mean, who would want to sit down and watch the same video clip over and over again, when you can actually play other awesome games available in TGS?

Info & Image Source(s): 1UP

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  • bluesnow (Author) said:

    I love how Japanese gaming tastes are closer to mine than most americans lol xD

  • Q said:

    Japan is known for not being a fan of FPS games anyway, so it’s understandable that it’s that well anticipated there.

    But 4 different retail versions? What’s that all about?? o_O

  • guuzen (Author) said:

    Lol lucky you? =D

    Yup, Modern Warfare 2 is getting 4 different retail versions… You know how most games have a standard edition, and then some sort of special edition. So for this game, it is getting 4 different kinds of special editions O.O

    Getting the Prestige Edition (most expensive and limited), will get you a pair of night vision goggles XD. For the Veteran Edition you get a Soap MacTavish Figure. I’m not sure about the Hardened Edition though..

  • atmchino said:

    i believe hardened comes with a artbook and a hard metallic case. i was really disappointed with mw1 and mw2 would have been on my buying list had they had the prestige edition on PC and not just 360 and ps3. it’s a ridiculous insult to pc players who build their systems, actually buy and dont pirate their games, and who made the call of duty series what it was.

    but the edition bonanza is really from the hype and ’success’ that mw1 had. it’s a $$$ maker. in my experience though, i’ve never come across japanese/asian typing players playing online. english mainly and then very limited european languages.

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